^ Chapter One ^

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21st July 2017

Dear Diary,

My name is Kassie McCall and I'm 16 years old...It's now 1 in the morning and I can't sleep-

Is this how you write a diary? I've never done this before, it always seemed so boring and to be honest I've never seen the point but then... I guess something changed my mind... Someone changed my mind. A few weeks ago I met this guy, his name was Ethan Dolan. 

He not long ago turned 17, He has a twin brother called Grayson and when I first met Gray I actually thought I was seeing things (It was so weird). He and Grayson have recently moved back in with their mother and I'm still sharing a flat with my best friend Emma, as soon as we turned 16 we both wanted to get out there and see the world first hand. I know it doesn't make much sense but both of us had problems with our families and it was a difficult time, however we've been living together since the end of 2016 and it's going well so far (seeing as neither of our families have contributed). 

When we're not at collage we work, both of us actually share a business with a friend, it's a shop not far from the junior school in town. We specialise in dresses (prom/wedding/etc) but we sell a variety of up to date trends and a section of 'old school' favourites. Me and Emma basically own the shop but we are 'guided' by another worker, his name is Miles. Miles is one of the most hilarious people you'll ever meet, and as you're probably thinking he is also gay. He's very open about his sexuality because he's not that bothered about what people think (He's gotten through that phase) and even though everyone knows he's gay he still gets all the girls chasing him. I guess I'm not the only one who wants someone they can't have... Ethan has a girlfriend.

Camille Higgons, she's two-faced, pretends to be someone she's not, is all cute and flirty in front of Ethan but as soon as his back is turned? She turns into a demon, literally, I think she's related to Satan. I don't care what she says about me but the thing that ticks me off is that she treats Grayson like dirt and when he threatens to tell Ethan what she's really like she always retaliates with 'You do that and I'll tell Ethan that you came onto me' then she moved closer to him, like a snake and whispers 'If I go down... You're coming with me' and everytime it happens I want to slap that smirk right off her fake little face. -Rant Over-

Now that's out of the way I'll tell you about what happened a few weeks ago, when I met Ethan...


'Emma?!' I yelled from the backroom of our store, I heard a dulled yell in return and a few seconds later her head popped through the door 'It's your turn to get the drinks' I smiled sweetly but she just stared at me unamused 'I'll pay?'I offered, she smiled and grabbed her satchel bag from where it was hanging on the coat pegs 'Be back in a minute' She sang, a few seconds later I left the paper work that I was slowly working through and walked into the front of the store. A few minutes later the bell on the door rang 'How can I help you?' I said putting on my 'happy smile' as Miles calls it 'You sell dresses?' A girl with burgundy dyed hair and blue eyes stared at me from the other side of the counter 'No. We sell books on how to read English' I said momentarily letting out the frustration of having no coffee in my system 'How dare you' She spat, I gasped 'I'm sorry I didn't mean to-' I actually didn't mean to say that out loud. She ignored me and walked out. I sighed in frustration and put my head in my hands 'You sell books on how to read English?' A guy appeared from behind a clothes rail.

'Really?' My eyes met his and there he was, I felt the heat rush to my cheeks 'I didn't mean to...' I said quietly, looking away. He joined me at the desk 'Hey, she'll be back. Do you wanna know why?' He smiled and tilted his head 'Why?' I asked shrugging 'Because there is no other store as good as this one in the whole country, and I don't think she'll want to travel 100 odd miles for a dress' I rolled my eyes 'Then you don't know how important dresses are to women' I smiled sarcastically as I went into the back room to fetch a box of shoes that needed tagging and putting on shelves. While I stood at the counter tagging the shoes Ethan kept patrolling the railings of wedding dresses 'Got anyone in mind?' I said indicating to the dresses, he laughed but it surprised me. It wasn't a forced laugh, it wasn't fake, it was genuine. 'There's no one on this planet who'd be stupid enough to say yes to me even if there was someone' I held a look of disbeleif on my face 'Are you serious?' I said looking up from my work 'There are so many girls out there who can only dream of being with a guy like you' I turned my attension back to the shoes and carried them in the box towards the wall with the shoe stacks hanging on it. I put all of the pairs of shoes on the shelves but one because the only space left was on the top shelf and I'm not going to lie but I'm short as hell.

'No I got it' I said but Ethan came up behind me and took the shoes from me and easily put them in place on the top shelf 'A guy like me?' He said blocking my way from walking back to the counter 'You could have anybody... Some of us have nobody' I said looking to my feet, he took a step back and I basically ran back to the safety of my counter. I reached for a pen which was next to the till and he grabbed my wrist 'What happens if I choose the somebody who has nobody?' He asked, his eyes wide with curiosity 'You better ask her before someone else does' I pulled his hand from my wrist, the bell rang 'Hey sorry I took so long' Emma smiled as she rushed into the back room holding a pair of coffee's and a bag of what I'm guessing is dinner. In a hushed voice he said, almost desperatly, I'm trying. My breath caught 'What's your name?' He asked leaning slightly onto the counter. I was about to answer when Emma called 'Kassie?' She stood in the doorway and then her eyes landed on Ethan 'Oh' She apologised and returned into the back room, shutting the door. 'Kassie' His lips pushed my name from his mouth 'Your name is?' I smiled slightly 'Ethan... Dolan' my smile widened. He cleared his throat 'I have a question for you' my heart began to beat rapidly, the door on the bell sounded but I couldn't tear myself away from his eyes 'Babe?' Ethan turned to be face to face with the girl with burgundy hair. My expression became stone cold when Ethan spun around to look at me 'Is there anything else I can help you with Mr Dolan?' I asked holding back tears, the girl wrapped her arms around Ethan and dragged him from the shop. 'Emma!' I cried, my voice breaking, I couldn't hold back the tears any longer. She nearly ripped the door off of it's hinges as she came running to me 'What happened?' She asked in a hushed voice 'My heart it trying to kill me' I shrugged pathetically before falling in her arms 'I'm closing up shop' She said simply 'and when we get home I'm going to order us a pizza and we are gonna forget everything that's happened and move on' 

We closed up, like she said, and made our way back home.


So... That's how we met. The next day he was nowhere to be seen, not that I was hoping he'd turn up or anything, probably out with her. I hate boys, I hate emotions and I hate the fact that it only takes a few seconds for me to fall for a guy and then another few seconds later he runs away and leaves me to wail in my sorrows.

I wish that one day I might find someone who truley cares for me...

Goodnight Diary.

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