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*The Ethanator is online*

The Ethanator: omg this name is so cool

The Ethanator: I love my life

*Kathy is online*

Kathy: I don't :'(

The Ethanator: Why? :(

Kathy: idk

Kathy: I'm sad bc I eat, and I eat bc I'm sad

Kathy: *Triangles everywhere*

The Ethanator: btw was that a movie reference or somethin?

*Mr Gray is online*

The Ethanator: Ew

Mr Gray: It was an Austin Powers reference ;)

Kathy: omg babe xD

Mr Gray: My name is not babe :/

Kathy: I'm very sorry Mr Gray, it won't happen again ;)

The Ethanator: Ew

Mr Gray: I know it won't ;)

The Ethanator: I'm going to puke

Kathy: Is there anything you would like me to get you Mr Gray?

The Ethanator: A bucket? >-<

Mr Gray: No.

Kathy: Okay :(

Mr Gray: Are you free this evening, sweetheart?

The Ethanator: No, sorry I'm busy puking >-<

Kathy: Of course sir

Kathy: May I ask why?



Kathy: xD

*Mr Gray changed his name to Grayson*

Grayson: Jeez

The Ethanator: Can I still have that bucket?

Kathy: Why?

Grayson: Bro?

The Ethanator: Bleugh

Grayson: What?

Kathy: :/

The Ethanator: Now I remember why I like being single

Grayson: So you can use it as an excuse? bc you can't get girls?

The Ethanator: :/

Kathy: xD

Grayson: That's gotta be saying something about your personality bro

Grayson: I mean, we look the same and I'm pretty hot so there is something wrong with you

Ethan: At least I'm not a lil' bitch

Grayson: :o

Kathy: You just called yourself hot...

Grayson: Yeah?

Kathy: You and Eth look the same...

Ethan: I know what you are implying...

Grayson: What?

Kathy: Do you think he does this on purpose?

Grayson: What?

Ethan: Idk

Ethan: Maybe

Ethan: You never know with Grayson

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