~A Lil Something For unicorn4evaaa~

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*Unicorn changed their name to UnnieCorn*

Grayson: You spelt Unicorn wrong :/

Ethan: Come on, everyone knows how to spell unicorn

Ethan: Even Grayson

Grayson: M8 wut u sayin, I wiw av u

Ethan: Gray shut up before you hurt yourself

UnnieCorn: OMG did you hear a loud noise coming from downstairs?

Ethan: No

Grayson: Yes, I think I broke my back falling down the stairs

UnnieCorn: Erm.... Guys??

Ethan: Yes UnnieCorn?

Grayson: XD

Ethan: Sorry I can't take you seriously with that name xD

Grayson: Ha!

*UnnieCorn changed their name to INeedToIntroduceYouTwoToSomeone*

Grayson: Cool!

Grayson: Is she hot?

Ethan: Ew Gray seriously shut up.

*INeedToIndroduceYouTwoToSomeone changed their name to Evie*

Ethan: Eve are you okay?

Ethan: You're not in trouble are you?

Grayson: Oh is it not a girl?

Grayson: Oh well I had to come out at some point...

Ethan: GRAY

Grayson: What?

Ethan: pack it in.

Grayson: I was just joking :p

Evie: You guys know that ever since I joined your family I've thought of you as my brothers. You've always looked out for me and protected me.

Grayson: Eva what it is? You're scaring me

Ethan: Has someone said something again?

Ethan: I'm gonna kill them.

Grayson: Dude shut up, let her finish.

Evie: I want you to be open to this idea... Promise you won't get mad

Grayson: Depends what it is.

Ethan: We promise.

Evie: I want to introduce you, mum and dad to someone very special to me.

Grayson: IT'S A BOIIII

Grayson: BUOE

Grayson: BOY!!!!

Ethan: A BOY!?!

Evie: Maybe... You said you wouldn't get mad...

Grayson: I didn't

Grayson: Ethan did

Ethan: Bro

Grayson: What?

Ethan: Come downstairs, Pizza in the kitchen.

Grayson: Mmmk

Evie: What the hell guys?

*Grayson is now offline*

Ethan: Don't worry about it.


Ethan: I may have sprayed the floor at the top of the stairs with cooking oil.

Evie: Didn't you just invite Gray downstairs?

Ethan: :3

Evie: What am I going to do with you two?

Ethan: Take us to meet your boyfriend.

Evie: Really?

Ethan: Yes, I want to make sure he's taking care of you.


Ethan: Don't call me that

*Grayson is back online*

Grayson: I hate you.

Ethan: You brought it on yourself

Grayson: HOW?!!?

Ethan: Shut up and get dressed

Ethan: We're going to see Eva's boyfriend

Grayson: WAHTA!?!

Evie: *what

Grayson: ...

Grayson: Fine...

Grayson: But If I punch him I'm blaming my awesome reflexes.

Ethan: k.

Evie: Let's go!

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