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'DO YOU HAVE TO GOOO?!?!' My firstborn child was glued to my legs as I walked into the front room 'Carina honey you'll be fine, You have Uncle Grayson to lookafter you' I smiled as I kneeled down so I could look my daughter in the eye.

'Why do you and Dad have to go?' She cried, me and Ethan had moved very far in our relationship since the little fight we had a few years ago. We were already married at that point but we were finding the married life a little harder than we thought it would be. I was going to leave him and stay with my sister for a while but that was when I took the test.

I was pregnant. (pregananant hehe xD)

Now, all the things that we said are in the past and we have three wonderful children, Carina, the only girl and the twins, Jayson and Thomas. Carina was the oldest, the boys were a few years younger than her but they were definatly taller than she was.

However, since the kids came along quite quickly myself and Ethan weren't able to go on our honeymoon. So to make up for it we were going to stay in our cottage for the weekend, Grayson, Ethan's brother, said he would love to spend some time with his niece and nephews.

'Carrie... We won't be away for a long time, it's just two days' I kissed her forehead and pushed her untamed fringe behind her ear, she sniffled and put her smaller hand in mine 'Promise?' She said, staring up at me with her beautiful sea green eyes.

'I promise kiddo, It'll go past like a shooting star' She smiled at my words and kept hold of my hand as I rose from the floor. I followed the sound of shreiking children to see Eth holding one of the boys in each arm and spinning repeatedly 'Did you know that if you wish on a star it won't come true because by the time it reaches the star, the star would have died?' I stared down at my daughter with a look of shock on my face.

'Where did that come from kiddo?' I asked walking her to her room 'I wished that it hadn't happened... Over and over again, but it did and she never came back to me' Tears were falling down her little face 'Oh Carrie' I said, heart tense with burdened pain.

'I don't want you to leave. I don't want you to go like she did. Please don't go!' She said wrapping her arms around my waist and burying her face into my stomach. My eyes watered as the harsh feeling of loosing struck my heart. The feeling of loosing part of you. The feeling of loosing your blood.

Carrie wasn't alone when she was born, there was another. Her name was Jamie. She was Carrie's identical twin. But unlike her sister, Jamie was alot weaker, more vunerable, more delicate. This delicate work of art was shattered into two, she didn't last a day.

Even though Carrie never knew her, truley, she knew what twins meant. That the life they were given was meant to be shared by a special someone, they were lucky enough to be given that special person. But I guess it wasn't enough.

I always blamed myself. Always. If I was stronger, If I had taken better care of myself she would be alive. I used to believe I would trade my life for hers, I would do anything to bring her back.. I couldn't. I never felt so helpless than I had in that moment of realisation.

The days went fast. Carrie didn't want to be alone so the boys dragged her to mine and E's room. Together, we tucked them into bed, kissing their heads one by one. Grayson watched over them and sent us updates on how they were doing while we were away.

'Mary' Eth said from the kitchen 'Yeah?' I asked tiredly, the cottage we had also had a fire, a beautiful burning star, I lost myself when I stared into it's flickering flames for too long 'You're doing it again' I froze as he knelt in front of me. I was sat on the couch, Eth was kneeling before me 'What?' I asked.

He smiled a little and touched my cheek with his thumb 'Thinking too much' I leaned into his touch and sighed 'I can't help it... I don't know what to say Eth. We've been so distant from eachother, I feel as if we're just people acting out a role. We're doing what we have to because it's expected of us..' He frowned at my words 'I know... this was supposed to change that' He said, sounding disapointed.

'Marisol, I still love you. I wasn't acting when I spoke my marriage vows. I meant every word. All the sweet nothings I whispered to you didn't mean nothing to me, they meant the world. Everytime I look at you I remember how beautiful you looked in your dress, I remember how beautiful you looked out of it but I guess that's just my opinion' I laughed and felt my face turn red 'Eth you're an idiot' He smiled at me, knowing what he was saying was working.

He healed me. When I was broken, when my heart was broken, he put all the pieces back together, he made me feel whole again 'But you're my idiot' He groaned and held his chest above where his heart was 'OH THE CHEESE!' I giggled at his terrible acting skills 'It's a good job you're not lactose intolerant then' He smiled up at me and stole a quick kiss.

I knew how shocked and stunned I looked, Eth sat there smiling wildly 'It never gets old' He muttered 'Shut up' I said pushing him backwards so he landed on the carpet before the fire. I yelped when I realised he was taking me down with him 'Screw you Ethan Dolan' I said when I landed on top of him.

He smirked up at me 'You have done... Muliple times' I returned the smirk 'Oh, you've been counting?' He cringed and and flipped us over so he was leaning over me 'That's so gross' He laughed.

I scowled at him and flipped us back over 'Shut up and kiss me you fool' I said laughing. 

We returned home the next day, expecting be bombarded by children and yelling but we were surprised when the house was dead silent. Eth and I exchanged confused glances and put our bags down before proceeding to search the rest of the house.

It didn't take long to find them, all cuddled up on the giant couch in the movie room. Grayson was snoring away in the middle of all the children, Carrie was draped over him, a little bit of drool escaping her mouth 'She got that from you' I whispered to Ethan who stuck his tongue out at me and indicated towards the twins.

They were sat on either side of Grayson, apart from these two devils were not sleeping. Marker was all over Grayson's face, he had a monobrow and some other disturbing facial features but there we go 'They got that from you' Eth said back to me, refering to the time where I played a similar prank of Ethan and Grayson.

I smiled up at him and realised how lucky I was.

I had a very handsome husband, his very strange brother, three equally strange children and the best job anyone could have. A job as a mother. I kissed Ethan's cheek and smiled when he looked down at me 'We should probably stop them from taking away the rest of Gray's dignity' I giggled at the boys who had started putting chalk dye in their Uncle's hair.

Eth shrugged 'He doesn't have any left, I don't think it matters' I laughed at his reply and dragged him into the room.

What a weekend, I guess?

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