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'Morning Cutie' I said walking into the kitchen to see Max sat on the side with a pair of paracetamol tablets and a glass of water in her hands 'Morning' She smiled at me weakly, I walked over to her 'Hey, You feeling alright?' I asked feeling her forehead with the back of my hand, her temperature was a little high 'You have a headache?' I asked, she nodded and stared at me with her eyes. Her beautiful, endless, blue eyes.

She popped the tablets in her mouth and followed them with a few gulps of water before putting the glass down onto the side. I wrapped my arms around her waist, she was perfect. 'You okay Gray?' She asked, I nodded and pushed her glasses futher up her nose when they began to slip down, she giggled at this action which made me smile. She had a wonderful laugh.

I kissed her cheek and she laughed again but she turned the cutest shade of red, it made her hair stand out, blonde, curly and always smelled like fruit 'Gray?' She asked making me realise that I was staring at her 'What?' I asked, tilting my head a little 'You zoned out' She smiled and pecked my cheek before pushing me away so she could jump off the side. My 5ft7 angel skipped out of the kitchen and I smiled at hearing her run up the stairs.

I made myself, Max and E some toast, he hadn't come downstairs yet but it wouldn't be long until the monster emerged 'Ow!' I yelled at something hitting the back of my head and heard a laugh identical to my own 'Ethan what the fuck? That hurt!' He laughed it off 'Oh god but it was funny' I sighed at his comment.

'So you ask her yet? We better start getting ready soon' Ethan mumbled with a mouthful of toast 'She has a headache, I didn't want to ask her until she felt better' I knew that E was rolling his eyes at me so I threw a hot piece of toast at him that just popped out of the toaster 'OW!!' He yelled 'That burned Grayson! It's not funny!' It was my turn to laugh and he almost growled in anger at me 'You better watch what you say then boi' I said, still chuckling.

We were finishing our food when Max came running back downstairs 'Morning Ethan' She smiled cheerfully, I smiled, she must be feeling a bit better after that shower 'Cutie, are you doing anything today?' I asked as she leant on the side with her plate of toast in her hand. Eth started making gagging noises, I elbowed him causing him to almost fall off of his stool 'No I'm free today, why?' She asked taking another bite.

'You wanna film a video with us?' Ethan asked after he recovered from his fall 'Sure, I'm up for it, just let me go put something else on' She said after she had finished her food and put her plate in the sink 'Be quick!' E yelled 'Will do!' She replied.

I rolled my eyes at my brother and went to go set up the cameras and lights in our living room. Ethan came in not long after and helped to finish setting up, Max walked in not long after him and went to turn the camera on - making sure it was level. We were all set!

Me and E sat down on the couch, we quickly discussed what we would do for the intro and went straight into the video 'Hey' 'Guys' 'We're' 'Back' We took it in turns to yell our intro a the camera and broke into a fit of laughter afterwards. 'So we're back!' Ethan said, freaking out a bit and started shaking 'And what are we doing today Gray?' He asked calming down a little.

I laughed 'Today we are doind the-' Me and E continued the rest together 'Brother vs Girlfriend challenge!!' I woo-ed at the end but managed to contain my excitement, Ethan started lokking around the room 'But Gray... Where's your brother?' He asked, we both sat in an awkward silence for a bit before bursting out into laughter again.

'So we are joined by Grayson's girlfriend Max!' Ethan said which was Max's queue to jump into the video, she sat down on the other side of me smiling 'Hi everyone!' She waved, that is where the video properly started.

Ethan and Max explained what the game was and how it worked and then I said 'I'm gonna be asking all the questions and here is the first one' Max and Ethan were holding one of those wierd buzzer things each. 'Question One!' I yelled 'Which is my favourite part of my body?' Ethan burst out laughing when Max pressed her buzzer instantly. I could tell she didn't get what Ethan was implying but her cheeks flushed when she realised 'Ethan! Oh my god you perv!' Her rage just made him laugh harder. She threw E a death glare before turning to me 'You're shoulders' Max said.

I leaned over to her and whispered in her ear 'Are you sure that's not your favourite part of me?' She yelled at me and hit me 'God! Why are you both like this?!' She turned red again but then began to laugh with us 'Anyway, yes! My favourite part of my body is my shoulders' I winked at Max causing her to blob her tongue out at me.

I asked a few more questions and when we got to the last one Ethan and Max both had 4 points each, a tie breaker, I thought I would be evil and make the question super easy and see which one of them would be able to answer it first. My birthday.

I was gonna edit some intense music into this section of the video when I went through to edit it, because it was my video idea I was gonna edit it and then Eth was gonna double check it before we uploaded it.

'So it looks like we got ourselves a tie! So what do we have to do now Cutie?' I asked Max who smiled at my name for her 'Final question?' She asked, I nodded 'So here it is...' Ethan was fidgeting next to me and Max looked a little nervous 'I just wanna say that this question is super hard so' Ethan rolled his eyes at me 'Just ask the question bro' He laughed. 'Alright' I said, leaving a little silence for suspense.

'What is.... My birthday?' I asked, Ethan was puzzled and in the time that it took him to recover, Maxie had already pressed her buzzer 'December 16th 1999' Max jumped up and threw her buzzer 'YEAH BOIIII!!! TAKE THAT ETH!! AY AY! AY AY! NOT TODAY LITTLE BOI! AY AY!' I laughed so hard I forgot how to breathe, Eth was sat on the couch looking like someone had slapped him with a fish and Maxie was just bouncoing around. Between breaths I asked 'Isn't that KSI?' I was struggling to breathe properly, Eth started pretending to cry and went and sat in the corner of the room that Max filmed with her go-pro.

We finished up the video pretty quickly after that and said bye to the fans, Eth also said that if the fans wanted another video with Max in it to comment down below and let us know. Later that night after the three of us took turns in editing it we finally decided it was ready and decided to upload it that evening before we all went to sleep.

Eth ordered some pizza for us but he took his food with him and went upstairs, leaving me and Max downstairs. I sat down next to her after I took the empty pizza box and ketchup into the kitchen, when I came in she was watching this tv show with loads of drag queens in it.

'Who's Ru Paul?' I asked when I saw the title of the show and she turned to face me, looking at me if I had just offended the whole world but after we watched a couple episodes I was actually questioning my sexuality - NO I WASN'T! IT'S A JOKE CALM DOWN. Hehe, anyway. After we finished watching Ru Paul's drag race (start your engines) we ran upstairs and took it in turns to shower and get ready to go to sleep.

I was laying in our bed with my laptop resting on my lap, Max came into the room in her pj's and settled into the bed beside me. 'You ready?' I asked, she nodded and together we pressed the upload button on my laptop, I closed the lid and put it down carefully on my bedside table 'I hope they like me' She mumbled as I wrapped my arms around her and she snuggled into my chest, the little things she does are the things that kill me.

'They will, they'll love you just like me' I kissed her forehead and leant over to turn the lights off, she sighed as she relaxed into me 'I love you Gray' She yawned, I smiled 'I love you too Sweetheart'.


Hey Guys!! Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while I know I owe you all regular chapters but lets just say that recently I've been finding it difficult to write.

Max! If you're reading, I'm sorry to you too because I know how you asked for this chapter ages ago and I didn't upload it as soon as I hoped too but I hope you like it xx

Btw guys I know how a while ago we started doing the question thing but I can't think of anything for this one, so I want to suggest something else. You can comment any question you want to know about me or something for the twins and I'll try to upload a Q+A type chapter when you start sending a few questions in. xx

Hope you enjoy reading my book - Charlie xx

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