~What You Do To Embarrass Him In Front Of His Parents~

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- He loves to show you off to his parents, telling them how great you are. So the next time you went their you made a plan with his parents - when he tries to show you off you tell them all that you think you're pregnant and his parents will flip. He will get so worried and shocked and his parents will be filming it all so he could put it on youtube as another prank. Relationship goals am I right? xD


- His parents are really understanding people and they love to joke around with Eth and his brother quite a lot. It makes them laugh at how gullible they can be. So when you went to meet his parents for the second time you made a plan to keep comparing him to Grayson to make him think you like his brother more than him. His parents will pick it up soon enough and join in the fun ;)

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