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Grayson: IT'S MEEEE

Chrisza: Knew you would do that >-<

Grayson: Ha xD

Chrisza: WHERE ARE YOUUUUU???????


Grayson: Why? ;)

Chrisza: bc I want to see you nowwwww

Grayson: xD

Chrisza: Isn't it a boyfriend's job to satisfy his girl's needs?

Grayson: Haven't I done that already? ;)

Chrisza: Ew

Chrisza: Freak :p

Chrisza: Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee

Grayson: Welllll

Chrisza: I can make breakfast :3

Grayson: Depends what breakfast is :/

Chrisza: It's anything that you want it to be

Grayson: ;)

Chrisza: -_-

Chrisza: Wierdo

Grayson: That's what you like about me hun x

Chrisza: I'll be waiting x


You put down your phone and checked the time, 5:50 am.

You woke up because you had one of your connected nightmares, they flow from one to the other and are not always... nice.

You didn't bother with getting dressed, you quickly pulled your hair into a messy bun and wrapped your thin dressing gown around you before leaving your room.

You walked downstairs and headed to the kitchen. First of all, you washed your hands and rolled up your sleeves.

Everytime when Grayson came over for you he wanted one of two things, eggy bread or banana pancakes, you were okay with both of them and you could probably cook them in your sleep since you've had to cook for yourself for the past few years.

You didn't know your parents but you had recently left your adoptive mother, and you were never going back. She treated you like dirt but whenever someone else was there she would make out to be the perfect mother who saved a little girl from having a life alone.

Sometimes you feel that you would have been happier with a life alone however if you hadn't had been adopted you would never have met Grayson.

The town were you lived with your adopted mother was very close to his village and they shared a school between them since the towns were not that big.

On the first day of primary school your mother told you to bake some cookies for all the other children at school, you can vividly remember the amount of times you burnt yourself. So you brought in some homemade cookies and everyone was nice to you.

You met Grayson then, he saw everyone had a cookie and wanted to try one. He really liked them! He said he wanted to be a chef when he was older - that couldn't be any further away than where he is now. A youtuber and a chef. I suppose sometimes they do create some terrible things.

Joking. You supported Gray and Ethan in their quests to become youtube stars, originally they came from Vine (RIP) but when Vine ended they decided to d olittle skits on Youtube. They were alot bigger than when they started, in every way.

Their fan base and channel grew and so did their muscles, no joke, look at them.

Some other stuff happened but the main thing it that you two were basically inseparable from almost birth? Maybe?

You heard a knock at the door and ran to see Gray taking off his boots and hanging up his coat 'Baby!' You yelled smiling, he opened his arms to you and you ran into them without another thought, he smelled like rain and... Popcorn?

You looked at him with a confused expression 'Why do you smell like butter popcorn?' He smirked evily and picked up a bag you didn't realise he had with him 'We're watching a movie right?' You tilted your head at him 'Gray, you know I can't eat that...' He looked worried.

'Why? You're not suddenly allergic right?' You shook your head 'I'm on a diet' You shrugged and walked into the kitchen, he followed and put the bag on the kitchen side 'You don't need to lose weight Y/nnn' He wrapped his arms around your waist 'If anything you need to eat more, I need my baby to be strong and healthy for me. If you're sick, I'm sick. If you go on a diet, I will too' You rolled eyes 'Gray, you don't need to diet' He stared at you.

'If you don't want me to diet, I guess you aren't allowed to diet either' He pulled his thinking face, you laughed 'Fine! I won't diet! But it's your fault if I get fat' You poked him in the ribs and carried the premade banana pancakes into the front room.

You both curled up on the couch with pancakes and popcorn on your laps while watching, for the billionth time, Twilight. Not the first one because it's cringey, not the second one because it's cringey, not Eclipse because it's the only one you watch ever and not Breaking Dawn part 1 because it's wierd. You chose the last one since it has the fight in it and the action shots make up for the terrible acting.

What could be better?

(btw I'm not dissing Twilight, I love it, shush it's funny)

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