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"Hey guys, I'm back" Grayson stared helplessly into the camera lense "I know I haven't uploaded but I had to do some things, I never got to thank you all" Unlike his usual self Grayson was pale from not going outside much and skinnier from not eating. The jeans he used to wear are too big for him and his shirt hung low on his shoulders.

Grayson was sat on his bed, facing the camera that was sitting on one of the tripods "So, thank you... I know it has been a long time since-, heck it's been over two years but I can't get over it. I'll never get over it" He rubbed his eyes with his palms and sighed "I miss Ethan. I can't function properly without him and I didn't realise how much it had taken a toll on you guys as well. I was too burried and obbsessed with my feelings and how it effected me to see that" When you looked at him properly you could see the bags under his eyes, the shadow left by his sunken cheeks and the colour that they lacked.

"I always put him before myself but it was clearly not enough" His voice was layered with self-loathing "I failed him. My brother, my twin, my best friend. I won't fail you" His heart swelled at the thought of his fans "I love you all and I will do everything I can for you. I'll upload. I'll go on tour, meet you... Anything... And I promise I will get better" He ran a hand through his hair "I'll eat for you, drink for you, I will live for you. I promise, I'm sorry for making such a mess of myself, I know Ethan would hate to see me like this so, I will do this for you and for him".

He smiled at the camera with watery eyes "Thank you so much" He smiled, it had been so long since he last smiled. Grayson reached forwards to turn the camera off and wiped his eyes. He spent his afternoon editing the video before uploading it at 9 at night, he couldn't bring himself to read the comments yet so he decided to try and go to sleep.

He walked through the hallways until he reached his bedroom door. He jumped at the sound of a quiet knock, he quickly cleared his throat and yelled "One second!" He pondered over who it could be as he made his way to the front door.

"Hello?" He opened the door as he said it, and on the other side of this door stood someone he had not seen for a long time. Alex. They had broken up when Ethan passed, Grayson had said it would be for the better.

Tears were in her eyes and her eyes raked over his body "Gray..." She said, just above a whisper, she sounded tired. "What are you doing here?" He asked completely blown away "I saw the video and I was on my way home... I'm so sorry" She said pulling him into a hug. He breathed in the scent of rain and lavender, he had missed her smell, her touch, her voice "Please let me help you... You have no idea how much it hurts me to see you this way, Gray, I miss you" She was trying not to cry but soon enough her cheeks were wet with tears.

He wrapped his arms around her and placed one of his hands on the back of her neck "Alex... God, I love you so much" She looked up at him with her bright blue eyes, electric, was the word he used to describe them.

She smiled and collapsed, he fuzzed over her, checking to see if she was okay and she was fine. He carried her to his room and laid her down on his double bed, it was identical to Ethan's bed that was opposite to it. He listened to her mutter in her sleep 'Grayson, stay' 'don't leave me' 'I love you' 'I'll never leave you'. The words were quiet and almost not understandable but he was so used to her mumbling in her sleep that he understood it all.

He held Alex's phone and scrolled through her contacts, he paused when he saw, Mother <3, He clicked and the phone began to ring. Grayson quietly exited the room and waited for Alex's mum to pick up.

When she finally did the voice who greeted him was hysteric "Alex Clarissa Moranth where are you?! Do you know how worried me and your father have been?! You've been missing for months! You left no note! Never called! I THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD!" The voice broke off into quiet sobs "Mrs Moranth, it's Grayson" A gasp echoed through the phone "Grayson? Oh sweetheart, how are you?".

He could picture her frowning with her arms crossed as she leaned on the kitchen table "I'm okay, thank you. Alex is here, she called at my door and collapsed as soon as she stepped through the door. I called the paramedics and they said she would be fine, what did you mean when you said she was missing?" His voice edged with worry.

"She's been gone just under half a year... Me and my husband thought she was dead" He listened patiently "The police did nothing and she hasn't got in touch with us until now, this is the first we've heard" Her voice trailed off.

She told him to look after Alex until the next day or two so she could rest and then she would pick her up and take her home. She spoke briefly about Ethan and how sorry she was but the conversation ended there prettymuch.

Grayson slept on the couch rather than Ethan's bed, he didn't want to touch anything that belonged to his brother. Alex woke up the next morning and he told her about the call with her mother, Alex was very against going home and was certain she was staying with Grayson - not that he didn't mind.

Alex's mother reluctantly agreed on her staying with Grayson, especially seeing as the reason she was missing was because she was trying to find him. And for Grayson, the next few days began to get easier.

He was eating and getting back on his feet, Alex even helped him come up with a few new video ideas, he knew the fans wouldn't mind Alex being in a few videos. They knew her already from the past videos she was in.

"Hey, Gray" She smiled and pecked him on the cheek and she leaned over from the desk chair that she was sat in. He looked over her shoulder to see what she was doing "What's this?" He asked, feeling a lot stronger than he did. He wasn't as skinny and his cheeks were filling up again, but most of all, he was happy.

"I wanted to do something for Ethan" She said not looking at him but she didn't stop him reaching over and taking the pieces of paper she had planned on. He read her scrawled words and smiled. He didn't speak straight away "I love it" he handed her that papers back and kissed her temple lovingly "Let's do it" He smiled. Her eyes were wide, beautiful and more electric than he'd ever seen them. They were alive. So was he. So was Ethan - He was and always will be in there hearts.


Two months later, Grayson and Alex organised a giant get-together. Not a fanmeet. A get-together.

Fans from all over the world travelled to New Jersey, tickets paid for by Gray and Alex, to attend a party.

It was like an after party for a funneral but happy. Everyone told a memory they held dearly of Ethan. Alex filmed the whole thing and edited it with Grayson for YouTube.

They were happy.


HEY GUYS I'M BACK!!!! I hope you all are having amazing holidays :3 Love you! xx


1) What is you're favourite TV show?

A) I think at the moment mine is Shadowhunters, I've just finished reading The Mortal Instruments and I've also read The Infernal Devices and The Dark Artifacts.

2) What is your favourite hobby?

A) Eating - it counts :p

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