alyssa_hansel pt2

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Since you wanted part 2, I had to get all the requests out of the way, but here it is!

Also I recommend re-reading part 1 before you start this one, A to refresh your memory and B to set the scene if you hadn't read it yet x

Shout out to idkdolan! Please go and check out her new book 'Player' obviously a dolan-fic xD

Love it x

  ***Warning contains suicide and depression***  

Grayson had been out to get a pizza for him and his brother, just in case Ethan hadn't eaten. He got his favourite, pepperoni. Today they had been filming a surprise for the fans, the Dolan Twins reality show. It was so fun to film, they just hope that the fans like it.

Grayson pulled out his phone as he eyed the pizza which he carried in his other hand. 8:40pm. He sighed and watched his breath mingle with the frozen air while he made his way through the almost empty streets.

Cameron, his sister, had phoned him earlier to remind him and Ethan to get their parents a present for their anniversary. When he was younger it was painful from what he recalls. Gray had forgot to buy a gift so he ripped up the back garden for some flowers. When his mum saw the garden she realised what he'd done and he was preparing for an earfull but Eth stepped in an told their mum that he told Grayson to go and get some flowers.

Him being the golden child, their mum said it was a thoughtful present and ruffled Grayson's hair. This is what he loved about Ethan.

The weather began to get worse, rain ran down the back of grayson's neck, chilling him to the bone. He unlocked his phone and sent a text to his brother.

Gray: Hey dude, Sorry but I think we might have to defrost the pizza xD

No reply.

Grayson frowned and quickly added something as he shook off the rejection.

Gray: Dumb weather... See ya later bro 

When Gray got home he saw the car was missing, Eth must be shopping for a gift or something, he thought. He fumbled for his keys in his coat pockets, with cold hands he put the right key in the door and went inside.

He dumped the pizza on the table in front of the TV which was still turned on, strange. He turned it off and dropped the remote on top of the pizza box. 'Ethan?' He yelled upstairs 'Hey Eth?!' Dead silence filled the house.

His room was empty, messy but empty. No one was in the bathroom, the studio was almost dusty and no one was in the kitchen.

Grayson made his way back to the front door and hung up his trench coat. Pulling out his phone, he let out a yawn and dialled Ethan's number. It went to answerphone several times so Gray sat down on the couch, turned on the TV and began eating the somewhat cold pizza.

Since there was nothing on the most exciting thing to watch seemed to be the news. It was full of the usual stuff, crimes being commited, politics ruining the world, global warming etc. His phone began to ring, must be Eth, he thought. 

With a slice of pizza in his mouth he jumped up and walked into the kitchen, to get away from the noise, before answering the phone. 'Hello?' He said with a mouth full of cold food, there was muffling on the other end.

He repeated himself, still nothing, he pulled the phone away from his ear to see who it was. He hummed to himself and hung up, it wasn't a number he recognised.

Gray cleared his throat and pulled a glass from the washing machine, filling it with water he heard the TV mumbling in the background.

Breaking news: Body found in river... Police are busy trying to find the persons ID... Shoes found disgarded, along with coat, ring and phone on bridge... The police say they couldn't find anything else in the river that might link in with this investigation...

Damn, he thought. He couldn't understand why people do things like this. Well he did - they have their own problems and issues, they just felt like this was the only way - He's spoken to Eth about this a couple of times before and while Gray wanted to help people through making them smile and laugh, Ethan wanted to go that one step further and make all their problems go away.

Yeah, he's stupid but he's my brother, Gray smiled at the thought and gulped down his pint of water. 8 seconds. Nice.

Grayson waited for Ethan to turn up but he ended up falling asleep on the sofa. Grayson couldn't eat all the pizza so there was still a few slices left in the box.

In his dream Grayson was filming a video with Ethan, they were on a beach. The sun was out and the pair of them were laughing as both of the held cameras. The current was stronger than it was most days so Gray didn't want to go out that far. He stayed in the shallow water where he could see his feet.

Ethan began splashing around in the deep water, unaware of the storm coming for him. Gray stood there, not moving, not speaking, barely breathing. Gray? Ethan stopped splashing and looked at his brother in question.

Waves began to form, rain began to fall, the wind began to pick up.

Grayson wanted to yell to Ethan, tell him to run but he couldn't. He couldn't move. Ethan started to struggle in the difficult waters, he screamed for his baby brother. 

His brother, his twin, his other half, was taken by the water... and Grayson did nothing.

Gray shot up, heart racing and then fell back in relief to the comfy sofa. It was only just a dream.

Ethan still hadn't returned and Grayson began to get worried. He was going to go to the shop to go and buy a present for his parents like Cameron told him to and if Ethan hadn't come back by then he would go and look for him.

He jumped in the shower and hurriedly put on a new pair of Ethan's jeans - all his were in the wash - and threw on a random jumper.

Realising the car was still missing he put on his running trainers, might as well excersize. He checked what the battery was on his phone 40%, meh, He shrugged, I'll charge it when I get back.

The weather was a lot better than the day before, the sun was out and there wasn't a cloud in the sky. Today feels like a good day, he took a deep breath after locking up the front door. Looking up at the bright sky, Gray began to run. Down the steps at the front of his house, down the driveway and onto the street.

He steadily found his pace and tried to slow his breathing. Focusing too hard on his breathing and not enough on his surroundings Gray bumped into something. Something hit the pavement 'I'm so sorry' Gray heaved picking up the shopping that he knocked out of someone's hands.

It was the pair of old ladies that lived at the end of the street 'Here you are' Gray smiled and handed back the bags. They looked at him as if he were about to expload, they looked at him with pity. Gray couldn't understand. 

He nodded politely and began to run again. The two ladies watched him cross the road and disapear into the busy town, one looked at the other 'He must be in shock' They started walking away 'Poor dear...'.

Gray made his way to the store, managing not to knock anyone elses shopping onto the street. He wiped the sweat from his forehead with the bottom of his jumper not knowing that the next few minutes of his life would collide together to become the most painful moments of his life.

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