~ A Lil Something~

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*This is in a text form thing- like on a phone???*


Grayson: WE'RE BACK!

Ethan: ...

Grayson: ...

Grayson: Did I do something wrong?

Ethan: Really?

Grayson: What?


Grayson: Oh My God 

Grayson: It's not like we could do it at the same time WE'RE USING PHONES!

Ethan: Whatever.

Ethan: WE'RE BACK!

Grayson: I've said that already

Ethan: Gray?

Grayson: Yup?

Ethan: Shut up.

Grayson: K.

*Charlie joins chat thing on some kind of social media phone thing*

Charlie: HEY GUYS

Charlie: WE'RE BACK!!

Grayson: Omg Charlie what are you doing?

Charlie: What?

Charlie: Did I do something wrong?

Grayson: ...

Grayson: Are you mocking me?

Charlie: Yes. Is that wrong?

Grayson: YES!

Ethan: NO!

Charlie: K.

Ethan: xD

Grayson: Y tho

Ethan: English tho

Grayson: Shut up.

Charlie: O-O

Grayson: What?

Charlie: That was rude...

Grayson: What?

Ethan: That really hurt my feelings dude...


Grayson: Wait WHAT?

Charlie : Why do you have to be so mean?

Ethan: Charlz he really hurt me... In my heart...

Charlie: Oh, he did??

Charlie: Grayson?

Grayson: Yeahhh?

Charlie: Can you come into the kitchen a sec?

Grayson: Maybeee

Charlie: I have pizza

Grayson: mmk

*Grayson goes offline*

Ethan: But I want some pizza...

Charlie: You wouldn't like this pizza

Ethan: Oh okay...

*Charlie goes offline to hit Grayson with pizza*

Ethan: So.....

Ethan: I'm so lonely...

Ethan: By the way I just wanted to say to whoever's reading this you look so beautiful today. I wish I could run my fingers through your silky soft hair and hold you under the setting sun.

Ethan: ...

Ethan: I can hear Grayson screaming downstairs... I should probably go help him...

Ethan: Oh! Another thing! If you want to ask us a question or anything or even have a cheeky chat before dinner get in touch with Charlie and she'll put you in one of the chapters :)

Ethan: If you don't want to it doesn't matter, I'm sure we'll come up with something ;)

*Grayson comes back online*

Grayson: She is one scary woman

Ethan: How was the pizza?

Grayson: You are so slow dude

*Charlie comes back online*

Ethan: HIIIIIII :3

*Charlie changes Grayson's name to 'The Pizza Boi'*

Charie: I love my life

ThePizzaBoi: I don't


Ethan: I'd like a large pepperoni pizza with a stuffed crust and a diet coke. And a chocolate cookie for Grayson, he isn't feeling too good.

ThePizzaMan: ...

Ethan: Well?

ThePizzaMan: What?

Ethan: Aren't you going to tell me how much that would be?

ThePizzaMan: No.

*Ethan kicked ThePizzaMan out of the chat*

Charlie: Ethan why did you do that?

Ethan: The Pizza Man was rude to me...

Ethan: If you'd excuse me I'm going to file a complaint.

*Ethan has gone offline*

Charlie: Alright, Imma go to bed to now...

Charlie: and just as a reminder, If you want to have a chat with the boys let me know, and tell me what you'd like to say.

Charlie: Byeee!!

*Charlie has gone offline*

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