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| Warning | - Bad language and gory content

'KENZIE WATCH OUT!' I spun around instantly towards the voice. All the air was pushed from my lungs when a pair of hands clamped on my throat and a pair of blood red eyes bored into mine.

I hadn't been a hunter that long and to be honest the only reason I joined the Vampire Hunters is because Ethan did. He's my best friend, we we're supposed to have a movie night not that long ago but he called it off and I got curious.

I followed him and he just walked into the middle of the woods, a house appeared out of nowhere and so did all these people. People dressed in gear, killing gear.

He saw me and ran after me, told me that Vampires were real etc. I had never been against the idea of the supernatural so I got used to it all pretty quickly. Anyway, Ethan saw how keen I was and he told me that he wouldn't be able to get through it without me so I joined.

So... We've fought a few bloodsuckers since then and have learned how to fight them, how to prevent getting bitten and stuff like that.

I pulled the glass sword from my belt and drove it into the demon's heart 'See you in hell bitch' I spat as the red eyes closed and the hands that tried to choke me relaxed and fell. 'Y'alright?' Ethan was kneeling in front of me and fussing over me, making sure I wasn't hurt.

'E, I'm fine' I said, He started yelling saying how I wasn't safe and that I almost died, I sighed and held up my sword again and chopped the head off a Vampire that had it's eyes set on Ethan. The blood turned the moonlight red when it passed through the blade and the pale head thumped when it hit the ground.

'I know I'm not safe but I don't care, I'm protecting innocent people and I get to take my anger out on these bitches' I said seeing the reflection of another dead member in Ethan's eyes. I ducked and he dragged the wooden stake in his hand across the dead one's chest, it howled in pain but it's mouth watered at the smell of it's own blood.

I jumped up and pushed myself higher by landing on Ethan's chest and spun myself around mid-air. My sword's blade was the sharpest one made, forged by the elder ones of the glass tower. It's name was Calaena, strong but beautiful and it continued to be so - even as it split the dead cells of a Vampire and tore the body into two.

While I wiped the blood off of my sword Ethan took his own and stuck it into the demon's head. The chaos of Hunters and Vampires fighting echoed around us, along with the buzz of killing and the immortality of hatred between the two races. Even though Hunters were human, we couldn't have been more different.

I turned around and Ethan had disapeared. In fact, everyone had disapeared.

'Do you know who I am?' A voice sounded. It was tired but you could hear the strength behind it, the power behind a weak shell. My throat had clamped up and refused to make a sound. I ran my eyes over what was seconds ago, a battlefield.

'Do you know why I am here?' It spoke again but still I could not find it's source. I screamed and fell backwards onto the concrete floor, no, concrete stage? There were steps at the front and we were a few feet from the ground.

A cloaked figure loomed over me 'I'm here because I've heard the stories of the  greatest female hunter to ever live. I've heard you can kill one of my kind within a single breath' There was also that. I am the only female hunter.

The pale figure straddled me, trapping my arms next to my sides 'See you soon, my love' The High Vampire whispered into my ear and trailed his canine teeth across my neck, not breaking the skin.

And suddenly, reality was back. 'Kenzie. Mckenzie!' Ethan was shaking my shoulders with worry plastered all over his face. Then I saw where we were.

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