Chaper 14: Hopeless

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Meredith was hopeless. She couldn't walk and she had nothing for her leg anymore. It was certain that she was going to end up getting found by another tribute and killed or she would end up getting eaten by an alligator. Meredith's leg hurt her so much she was crying. She held her leg and just cried wishing the pain to just go away. She layed in the wet sand cold, she started to crawl away, she used all the straight she had left to crawl under a tree. Meredith knew she was in a bad position and this could mean life or death.

She sat quietly wishing she had someone to talk to. Meredith knew Finnick was watching so she decided to talk to him.

"Hey Finnick. Just wanted to say hi. I'm so lonely, It sucks being alone, why did I need to lose Jack and Teresa. I hope their okay I knew they are good fighters one of them is probably going to win. I know your probably like don't say that you'll make it but come on. No twelve year old has ever survived these games" Meredith said has she looked up at the sky and started to cry "I just want to go home Finnick, get me out of here. Please! Please I beg you get me out!" Meredith was yelling now.

She just couldn't take it anymore, she knew that she would probably be heard by someone but she didn't care, she just wanted to go home. Meredith suddenly stopped crying and became neutral, she looked back up at the sky.

"I'm tired now." She said and closed her eyes.

Meredith was losing it. Being in this arena for so long has made her crazy. This wasn't rare, it would usually happen to the tributes, some in the games and some after. Like Annie Cresta, she went crazy after though, stopped talking and was just paranoid after she saw her ally get beheaded.

That day, Meredith was only ten years old. She watched the games with her mother and Dylan. Meredith's mother would always block Meredith's eyes every time someone got killed or blood was spilled. But when Annie saw her ally get beheaded, Meredith saw the whole seen. Her mother didn't even have time to cover her eyes since it happened all so quickly. Meredith had a look of terror on her face. She ran to the beach and didn't speak for the rest of the day. Dylan went to sit with her and talk to her even if she didn't answer. Meredith's worse fear was to die in the games, and it was coming true.

Meredith woke up a couple of hours later relieved to still be alive. Her leg was still hurting but less. She rubbed her eyes and looked out into the horizon and saw no one. There was no sound nothing, she felt safe but she knew she wasn't and things could change quickly around this arena. Meredith stayed sitting by the side of the tree when a bug came flying her way. She tried getting ride of it by moving her hand around but it wouldn't leave.

"Go away you stupid bug" Meredith said annoyed by it.

Soon more of those bugs came flying towards her. They where kind've big and when Meredith tried to get a good look at what this bug was, she realized it was a very poisonous one and if she got stung by one of them it could be fatal. She kept in swatting them away and she saw a couple trying to sting her trough her jacket. She knew that any body part that was exposed would be dangerous for her. Meredith put the hood of her jacket on her head and tied it. She put her hands in her sleeves and covered her face with her arms. She was able to hear the buzzing on the bugs and able to feel them trying to sting her.

"Get away! Help! Help!" Meredith hear a girl yelling. She untied her hood and looked around.

She was scared someone was getting attacked by another tribute and if she was seen she would be next. Meredith started to crawl away when she saw the girl getting attack but not by a person. She was moving her arms trying to get ride of bugs. She was yelling and crying. The bugs seemed to be eating her up. Meredith watched in terror has the girl fell to the ground. The tribute made eye contact with Meredith giving her a help-me look. Meredith knew there was nothing she could do and she had to get away from her since she didn't want to be the next prey.

Meredith crawled away she didn't have much upper body strength and it was hard for her to crawl fast and far.

"Did you hear that, someone was yelling" someone said.

Meredith lifted her head and her heart started to beat fast, someone was coming.

"What a gross way to die. Look at her body" Said another voice

"Only seven of us left now" added the first.

Meredith hid behind a tree. It wasn't the best place to hide but it was has far she was able to get away from them without being seen. Meredith tried to see what district those two were from. She saw that one of the two was a girl from district 5 and the other was a boy from district 12.

"Wanna play a game" Suddenly said the district 5 girl

"We are already in one" sighed the other

"I know but just to lighten the mood"

"Okay whatever"

"In how many days do you bet the next person will die"

The boy from district 12 looked surprised at the question

"What are we betting on?" He asked

"The rest of the squirrel in my bag" Answered the girl from district 5

"Alright, I say the next person to die will be in two days"

"I say the next person to die will be today"

"Today really! Who do you think is going to die"



The boy from district 12 didn't even have time to finish his word before the district 5 girl rammed his sword into his stomach.

"Malix!" Gasped the boy getting stabbed

"Sorry Mathis but there could only be one winner" said Malix

Malix took the sword out of Mathis's stomach and he fell to the ground and bled out. Malix cleaned his sword on his shirt and walked away from the body has a cannon went off.

Meredith watched the whole scene and terror. She had just watched that poor boy die in cold blood. He got killed by his ally, the one person he trusted in these games. That was one of the reasons Meredith was afraid to have an ally, scared they would turn on her.

Before crawling out from behind the three, she looked around to make sure Malix was gone and it was safe. She crawled over to that boy from district 12 body and looked at his lifeless body. Meredith closed his eyes and she shed a tear. She just wanted this all to be over.


Jack walked around trying to find some water. He made his way to the river. He didn't just drink the water but jump inside, it felt
So good. He laid down in the water and let himself float. For that small moment he felt safe and alone until he heard a big sound of water crashing. He got back on his feet and turned his head to see a huge wave coming towards him. Jack knew he had to get out. He tried to swim back to shore but the wave came fast and hit him hard. Jack went flying under water. He tried to hold his breath until he was able to get out for air but the air never seemed to come. Jack tried his best not to die he tried and tried and tried until all went black...

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