Chapter 21: Panem today, Panem tomorrow, Panem forever

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"Welcome to district 12. Now lest make this quick, I don't want to be in this dirty place for too long" Said Juniper has the train stopped.

Finnick and Meredith walked off the train. Meredith was very nervous, she wasn't to sure what to say even if Juniper had given her a speech. She was scared to mess up or that people would boo her or something like that.

  "Where you nervous at your victory tour?' Meredith asked Finnick

  "In a way yes." Finnick answered

Meredith entered a large room, she was standing in front of these large doors where just outside was district 12. Juniper walked towards Meredith and stood next to her.

  "Now, just read what I have written on these cards and smile" Juniper told her has the doors opened and Meredith made her way onto the stage.

There was no sound has everyone from district twelve starred at her. Meredith stood in front of the mic and for a moment she just forgot why she was there. She starred out to the crowed and didn't say a word looking mesmerised.

  "Meredith, the cards" Murmured Juniper.

She then snapped out of it and took out the cards from her dress pocket and started to read them.

  "Huh, It was an honor playing in these games alongside these brave district 12 tributes. Both Mathis and Iris played well. You should honor your dead who bravely fought, Panem Today, Panem tomorrow, Panem Forever" Meredith said

No one in the crowed said a word, all they did was stare up at her. She kept on looking at the crown has one women who was holding her young daughter who seem to be about eleven looked up at Meredith with pity.

Meredith then walked off the stage still shaking nervously.

  "You did great" Said Finnick has she walked back inside the hall and the doors closed behind her.

  "I don't know how I'm going to do this for eleven other districts" Meredith said

Meredith arrived in district 11. She hadn't known anyone from that district or talked to anyone from there. Her speech was pretty much the same has the one from District twelve. In district ten, she did know the girl, Ava. She had tried to kill Meredith but Teresa, from district 7, had stopped her. After long journeys and days on that train, she was now in district 8, Jack's district. She walked on the stage and her heart started to beat fast when she saw Jack's face being shown on animated holographic screens has a person who seemed to be his mother standing in front of his hologram. Meredith wanted to cry has she remembered Jack and how he helped her and saved her. She knew why he did all of this but for some reason she still didn't understand why he saved her, she didn't really get it since she's never seen this before, someone sacrificing themselves in the games. This time, Meredith didn't read off the cards, she knew that she had to but couldn't, she felt like she needed to speak from her heart.

  "I didn't know Lacey, never talked to her, I did see her train and she did seem very good. I wish none of this had to happen but it did. Jack, him I knew, he helped me and if it wasn't for him I would be dead. I owe him a great death that I could never repay. He is an amazing person and it should have been him standing here, not me but that isn't how it turned out. He didn't die in vain, he died helping me, and he's such a great person. I am sorry for your losses, truly" Meredith finished.

Jack's mother was crying, tears where streaming down her face has she looked at Meredith who tried not to cry has well. She took a deep breath and forced a smile that did not look like one and walked off the stage. Once inside and out of sight, Meredith leaned on Finnick who took her in his arms.

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