Chapter Twenty-Six

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"Why won't you consider another baby?" Chloe asked Max. They were out for dinner while Eddie had the kids. "Think about it."
"Chloe. I have thought about it, the answer is no. Drop it," Max said. He finished his wine and ate some more of his meal. "Aren't you hungry?"
Chloe shrugged. "I-I don't know. Drop it," Chloe mumbled. She wanted another baby so much. She pressed her foot against Max's crotch and winked at him. "Love you baby."
Max shot up. "I'm staying at Eddie's tonight."
Max walked out. Chloe rang Charlotte to pick her up.

Charlotte picked up Chloe. She was crying. She told Charlotte everything.
"It's okay sweetie," Charlotte said.
"Can I stay with you tonight?"
"Sure. You can sleep in Tails room. She's staying with Mike tonight and the kids," Charlotte said. Chloe nodded.
Charlotte held Chloe close to her. "Why doesn't Max want me to have his baby? I thought he loved me. I gladly chose to get pregnant again after Isla when he said he wanted another," she sobbed.
"Shh. Max is a jerk."
Chloe smiled slightly. "I-I don't know why I'm emotional all the time."
Charlotte held her hand. "Its because you're tired sweetie. I get like it too," she told her.

Jayden sat next to Aubree. "Where mummy?"
"Yeah dad, where is mum?" Aubree asked her dad.
Max finished his beer and went upstairs. Aubree sighed. She held Jayden close. She wanted her mum.

Chloe fell asleep in Taitlyn's bed. Tom walked past and spotted her. He smiled and went inside. He pulled the duvet back gently to see she slept naked. He felt himself getting turned on and quickly pulled the duvet back over her. He loved her.
Tom joined Charlotte in bed. "Why is Chloe here?"
"She and Max had a row. She's heartbroken."
"Poor Chloe."

*the next morning*
Chloe woke and got on her dress from last night on. She went downstairs. "I guess I should head back to mine. Thanks for last night Charl," Chloe mumbled.
"See you at work?"
Chloe shrugged. "I-I don't know."
"Come on. You're with me. I'll look after you."
"Thanks," Chloe mumbled. She went home and got out some vodka and beer.

Tom got the kids ready.
"Charlotte, I've got that course today. I'll see you tonight," Tom said. Charlotte nodded and kissed him. She left with the kids. Tom drove over to Chloe's to bring her over. She was drunk but Tom didn't care.

Charlotte realised she had forgotten her phone. She dropped the kids off and then went back to the house to get her phone.

Tom looked at Chloe and smiled. "You want another baby don't you?"
"Y-Yeah. Max man doesn't though. I needa make him happy," Chloe slurred.
"I'll give you another baby. You need to leave Max and be with me though."

Aubree went to Max. "Where the hell is mum? She hasn't been in today!"
"How would I know?"
Aubree glared. "Why did you leave her in the restaurant?
Max glared at Aubree. Aubree went silent. She left.

Charlotte went into the house and heard people talking upstairs. She frowned and ran upstairs. She opened the door and seen a drunk Chloe trying to push Tom off. Tom was naked and trying to have sex with her. Charlotte took Chloe's hand and pulled her off.
"Leave her alone you pig!" Charlotte screamed.
"She wanted it!"
"Clearly! She was pushing you away! Looks like she wanted it," Charlotte yelled. She saw Chloe who looked like she was going to be sick. "Tom you're a jerk!"
Tom smirked. "She's better than you. That's why I started the affair with her," he spat.
"Shove off!"

Chloe was in her underwear. She didn't know what was happening. "Chloe, talk to me sweetie. Can you hear me?"
"What the hell you done to her?"
"She's the one who was drinking!" Tom spat. He began to pack up his stuff. Charlotte helped Chloe to the bathroom and got her there just in time. She threw up down the toilet.
"That's a good girl," Charlotte said. She rubbed Chloe's back and held back her hair.

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