Chapter 34

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Tommy's Point of View (DarkCreeper37)

Tommy was sitting in a seat in the Town Hall, bored. Jean was in the back of the building, typing on her Minetablet. Tommy was her bodyguard. Donna and Diane, Jean's assistants, were also in the back.

Alice was the other bodyguard, but she had gone to feed her dog, Ghoul, and also Sadie and Jessie, Jay's dogs. All of the other army members were gone, either missing in action or out doing something.

Tommy and Alice were the only ones who could protect Jean.

Tommy wondered if any of his friends were dead. It was tragic when Sharky died, but he didn't know about anyone else. What if the entire search team was dead?

The door to the Town Hall opened suddenly, and Tommy jumped, expecting Herobrine. But it was just little Emily, a puzzle box in her tiny hands.

Tommy wondered where Nina was. She was the babysitter, so why wasn't she with Emily?

Emily walked over to Tommy, then sat down on the floor. She opened her puzzle box, and spilled them onto the wooden planks. She studied it, then started to rearrange the pieces.

Tommy was gonna ask why Emily wasn't in the daycare that they had rebuilt, but decided not to. For one thing, he didn't like talking. And for another thing, Emily was fine right now. She was just doing a puzzle.

Tommy watched her place the pieces quickly. He was amazed with her puzzle-making skills.

Tommy didn't know what the puzzle was supposed to create, since the box was flipped over. The pieces looked like they had something to do with snow, though.

Emily continued to solve the puzzle. Tommy wasn't sure how many pieces there were, but it looked like there were around 200.

He remembered last time he had seen Emily doing a puzzle. It was the night that Light bombed the daycare. They were lucky no one had been killed.

Tommy shifted his leg a little. It was still in a brace from when the roof had crushed it. He didn't limp anymore, but Hal insisted that he wore the brace.

Emily was almost done with the puzzle. Yep, it definitely had snow in it. There was a figure in the middle, but it wasn't finished yet, so Tommy didn't know what it was.

The last puzzle Tommy had seen Emily do was a picture of a forest fire. Right after, Light had bombed the daycare.

Setting the daycare on fire...

Tommy looked back down at the puzzle. Emily was finished, and was smiling up at him. Tommy smiled back.

The puzzle was a snowy scene, with a smiling snow golem in the center of it.

Suddenly, there was a loud thud outside the Town Hall. Tommy stood up and peered out the window.

Something large, white and orange stared back at him.

Some kind of mutant snow golem.

Some kind of mutant snow golem

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