Chapter 20

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Georgia's P.O.V

It's been about 4 weeks since me and Nate told everyone our good news and Nates band is getting bigger they have been signed to the same label as the vamps which is amazing, but ever since me and Nate told the fans about our news they have hated me.

I was soon interrupted by screaming and shouting.

"You can't just do that Levi and then expect her to bloody forgive you, wait you haven't even bloody told her!!" I heard Drew Scream.

"Well we are happy together!" Levi screamed back.

"Yeah your happy, explain why you are cheating on her then cause I don't want to see my best friend get her heart broken again she loves you Levi!!" Drew screamed back.

About five minutes later and the boys were still screaming and shouting but I was soon pulled out of listening to them when my phone buzzed telling me I had a new DM on twitter.

'I don't see how Nate could ever like you and to be honest it wouldn't even be a surprise to me if the baby wasn't even his, hope it bloody dies'

After reading that I started crying I mean its not the worse that's been said to me but ever since the hate started I've been dead sensitive to anything people say or tell me.

"Babe what's wrong" Nate cooed in my ear.

"Please don't h-hate me" I said back.

"I wouldn't even think about it" he whispered sounding a bit scared.

"I-I d-dont t-think i-i c-can d-date you a-anymore" I stuttered out to see his facial expression changing to soft to just plain anger.

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