Chapter 38

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Harley's POV

Its been a year since Levi asked me back out at the beach and I said yes, we've been pretty strong yes we have been arguing a lot but that's what happens in relationships right?

"Harls we are going swimming you coming or ya gonna be a stubborn bitch and not come" Levi said.

I shook my head as i wasn't in the mood for Levi and swimming if you haven't guessed me and Levi have been arguing again.

"Ugh let me guess you 'took it all to heart'" he replied rolling his eyes before mumbling "wait you don't have a heart" soon after I heard him say that I kicked off.

"I don't have a heart?!?!" I screamed at him.

"No no you don't you heard me for god sake" He shouted.

"If I don't have a heart how the fuck do I love you that much it physically hurts" I screamed as my voice broke allowing me to have a tear slip down the right side of my cheek.

That must have pissed Levi of because he soon stormed out the living room slamming the front door which gave me a signal, I'm alone, I'm soon single and I'm aloud to cry now

A/N(Sorry its a short one hopefully it'll get back)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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