Chapter 33

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Harleys P.O.V

A few weeks have past and my bruising is healing but me and Blake sadly broke up.

I'm currently with my 'new boyfriend' but I hate him.

See the thing is I never had a choice to go out with him he made me and if I dont do what I'm told he doesn't like it.

"Harley!" Jake shouted from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah" I shouted back.

"Come here now!" He shouted back angrily.

I ran upstairs, only to see him looking angry.

As I reached the top of the stair I never got a chance to say anything as his warm hand came in contact of my face leaving it stinging like mad.

"That was for not making my bed" He shouted before smacking me again.

"That's for never listening to me" He then smacked me again.

"And that's for being worthless, useless, fat, a cow and ugly!" He shouted in my face.

"Now go home you useless piece of nothing!"

I never answered him back instead I ran home but as I ran home I bumped into Levi who must have been going to the shops.

"Oh my goodness what happend to your face" he asked shocked.

"I fell" I lied.

I could tell Levi never believed me but he went to wrap my arm around me but I flinched back which only caused Levi to look at me concerned.

Oh no what do I tell him....

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