Chapter 2

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I woke up the with a bad headache and my leg sore from that damn dart.  I try and stretch only for my hands to be restrained, looking down I notice that I'm tied to a chair. I look around the room to find nothing but a small desk and chair across from me. I see something from the bottom of my eyes to see that there is a sort of symbol and I laugh to myself. They used a wolf trap. But this symbol is different than the one I always see. This one has the wolfs-bane plant in the middle and a vine with roses circling around it. I hear movement coming from outside of the room. I freeze catching that same smell from last night. I listen to the door behind me open and close, knowing that I'm no longer alone.

"Nice touch, the wolf trap I mean. Got to give you credit for that, not a lot of wolves no about the magic we live with." I ramble. He gives out a light chuckle. When he comes into view I watch as he grabs the chair and drags it in front of me and sits down right in front of me. I take this moment to take in his appearance. His neatly styled dark blonde hair stopping at his ears, complimenting his curious pale green eyes and his robust form making him too big for that dainty little chair. 

"I can sense that I'm not exactly welcomed here. So if you like, I can take my leave and pretend we never met." I say distracting myself from his scrutinizing gaze. A flash of hurt passes through his eyes by my words but its only there for a split second.

"You, think I don't want you here?" He smirks at me, leaning back on the chair folding his arms on his chest. I nod not bothering to keep looking at him.

"Well your wrong darling. Once I confirm that your not a threat to my pack then we can discuss more important matters." He affirms. I look at him curiously.

"And what important matters are these exactly?" I glare at him. He just gives me a small smile.

"Well you being my mate and all." I'm at a loss for words, what do I say to him knowing full well he wont want me as a mate.

"We can skip just the hard part, I will silently agree to your rejection and you will never have to see me again." I convey my idea, no matter how much it hurts, I can't let myself get my hopes up about having a mate, even though I'm looking right at my mate. His expression changes. A frown is plastered on his face. He leans forward resting his elbows on his knees and his head on his hand. I can feel him inspecting every inch of me and I really don't like it. I writhe under his gaze.

"Are you hungry? How do you feel about some breakfast?" He asks all of a sudden. I grimace a bit at the thought of eggs and bacon. 

"I was thinking maybe you'd be more willing to talk after a plate of some pancakes?" He recommends, causing me perk up at the sound of pancakes. That little motion got him smirking again.

"Pancakes it is then!" He confirms and I curse under my breath about the fact that he was able to read me so easily. He orders for someone to bring pancakes.

"How about we play a game of sorts?" He suggests. I eye him skeptically.

"I ask you a question and you get to ask me a question." I think about it for a second and decide that this could be interesting. I give him a slight nod.

"Okay, first question. What's your name?" 

"Julie, are you the alpha here?"

"Yes, are you a danger to my pack and I?"

"No, what pack is this?"

"Silver Moon Pack, why were you out in the woods?" I hear the door open again and the smell of pancakes fill my nose. I sit up completely waiting to eat those heavenly fluffy things right in front of me. I keep my eyes focused on the plate of food, forgetting about the question.

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