Chapter 13

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There was so much blood, the body was covered in so much blood that no one could recognize who's body it was. The smell was overwhelming it was starting to make me lightheaded, I covered my nose the closer I got. Once Jax and I reached the body, the first thing I noticed was the several stab wounds that covered this wolf.

"Shit." I muttered out, this wolf was definitely tortured before they died. I glanced over to Jax who had a cold expression, looking only at the body.

"Do you know this wolf?" I whispered to him, he nods slowly. I look back at the body, I went to take a closer look, kneeling down right next to it. I examine his torso, trying not to grimace at the amount of wounds he had only on his chest.

"He was a wolf in this pack, I didn't know him personally but I try to know every wolf in my pack." He comes up to me. I don't take my eyes off the body, I notice something lodged in on of the stab wounds. 

"What the?" I reach into the hole to grab the item, ignoring the fact that I had my hand inside a dead body.

"Oakley?" Jax questions. I finally reach the item, I take a hold of it and pull out as fast as I could. I look at the item, it's a round metal coin with an engraved image of a Segen. 

"What is it?" Jax looks over my shoulder to get a closer look, after realizing what it was I dropped it on the floor, shocked and scared. Jax picks up the item, wiping off the rest of the blood on it. He looks at it and then back to me, still confused.

"Oakley what is this?" Frozen in fear I keep my eyes on the body, thinking that this whole situation has reached next level dangerous. I snap out of my state when Jax pulls me up on my feet.

"Get this body to the morgue, clean up the blood, I will call for a meeting shortly so standby." Jax orders to his soldiers, the second he finishes all the wolves start moving. I look up at him fear etched on my face, I look back to the Segen in his hands. 

"Lets go somewhere more private." He suggests, I follow close behind. My thoughts frantic and all over the place. Once we reach his office, he closes the door and places the item on his desk.

"Can you explain this to me?" He points to the item, I hold myself trying to feel better but it doesn't seem to work.

"I-its a Segen." He looks confused.

"Segen? Why does that sound vaguely familiar?" He repeats it over and over in his head but coming up empty handed. He looks to me to explain, I breathe out ready to explain.

"Did you parents ever tell you stories about what happened during The Awakening?" I ask sitting down, running a hand through my hair.

"The Awakening, yea it was the war between the pack wolves and the rouges. It was a very dark time, it got so bad that they interrupted the human world. There were a lot of casualties on both sides, even some human casualties." I nod my head, The Awakening was a War that took place centuries ago, which was caused because of a rouge who had killed the daughter of the most powerful pack, legend says she was the reincarnation of the Moon Goddess. She possessed powers that every wolf wanted to get their hands on. Once the news got around that she was captured and killed, her father was heartbroken and had vendetta to kill every single rouge. Which lead to war, a war that would leave a mark in history, at the end the pack wolves won the war that changed the lives of every wolf.

"What does that have anything to do with this Segen?"

"Well, according to the rouges they had come close to winning, they had come across power that could aid them in killing wolves. But the Alpha had a rouge on the inside, once the alpha got this news, they planned an ambush on the rouges' secret research center. They killed every rouge and destroyed every piece of equipment and weapon in that building, resulting in the the win of the pack wolves." I explain. Jax takes in this information, confused.

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