Chapter 27

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 I read the time on my night stand, shoving the last pieces of clothing that I will need for the trip. I look around once more hoping I got everything I need. Zipping up the back and throwing it over my shoulder, I walk out of my room headed straight for the kitchen for a last minute snack.

"Were you planning on saying goodbye?" I stop in my tracks, her voice in a low whisper. 


 I turn on my heels facing a red faced Jenn. I give her a small smile.

"I was hoping to find you in the kitchen." I wave at her to follow me. Her footsteps coming up fast.

"Hmm and what if I wasn't there?" She asks. 

"uhh..." Not knowing how to answer her. 

"I would have called you if anything." I reassure her, she gives me a small nod and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Yea, I know." She looks down, playing with her hair. The walk down the stairs is awkward to say the least.

"You know I think you should stay and let Cade and Jax take this one." She gets straight to the point, I stop before pushing open the kitchen door.

"You know I can't do that." I walk into the kitchen going straight to the cupboards, a dry snack would be the most convenient right now.


Opening the last one, I spot some sour candy sitting in a red tin can, I grab the can and bring it down to eye level, reading the inscription and letting out a laugh.

"Do you always have to leave?" She blurts out, I turn my head in her direction, surprised at her words.

"Jen," I breathe out, "You know, this is all my fault, it's only right that I am the one to fix everything." I shove the tin can in my bag and and put on both straps ready to meet Jax and Cade.

"None of this is your fault, if anyone should have the blame, it's your parents." She spits out.

"You're right, but they won't stop until I take them down." 

'11:53' I turn and read the clock, once more.

"Look, Jen I know you're just worried but trust me I'll be fine. Its just a recon trip to an abandoned research center. This is just to get information, I'll be back in no time." I say, looking at her, I rest my hands on her shoulders and pull her into a hug. She wraps her arms around my was it and digs her head into chest.

"Please just come back. I can't lose you too." She cries. I hug her a little tighter before releasing her completely.

"Jen, it's me," gesturing at myself, "I can take care of myself, have you ever seen me lose a fight?" I ask her, wiping away her tears with my jacket sleeve. Looking at her red eyes, holding in more tears, her brown eyes looking right up at me. She shakes her head no, I give her a smile.

"See, just think of this as one of those times, right no biggie?" I give her a smile, ruffling her hair in the process, she goes to swat me away and I giggle at her.


"Okay I've got to go, I'll see you when I return and tell you all about it." I say right before making a dash for the door so she can't say anything else. Running out the door, I stop in my tracks looking for the sign for the east border. Once I know where to go, I sprint in the direction, cursing to myself for being late. As I run over tree roots, and dead branches, not missing a step, my wolf getting excited with every step I take. I continue running, going in zig zags trying to stay on a clear path. Three more minutes of running past and I decide to slow down trying to see where I'm at.

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