Chapter 5

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Once we make it back to the pack house, I am already thinking about laying down in bed and taking a three day hibernation. The journey back was very long and tiring since Jax was dead set on walking back because he still believes that I somehow warned the rouges. So walking almost 8 hours with my hands tied with rope and Jax's hand resting on my forearm constantly pulling me, you can say I'm about ready to pass out. As we walk into the house, my body goes straight for the bedroom, hoping Jax gets the idea.

"Not yet." Is all he says, pulling me the other way. I let out a small groan and give him a dirty look.

"I need to clean up and most likely need stitches." He keeps his eyes straight and focused on the infirmary up ahead. I comply without a fight because it is my fault that his face is all bloody and messed up. He sets me down on a chair in the infirmary while he talks with the doctor about how he got beat up. As this happens I look towards the exit, seeing people walk by. I don't think anything of it until a younger blonde stops and runs right in, going right to Jax, enveloping him into a hug. He lets out a small smile and put his arm around the girl.

"How is he?" He asks rubbing the back of the girls head. Watching this small action does something to my insides, making my wolf growl. I look away and move in my seat to try and get this feeling out.

"He's fine, just scared. He won't stop asking for you." The girl says. Jax looks to me and then back to the girl.

"Tell him I'll be right there to check up on him, let me just finish up in here." He says and kisses the girl on the forehead. With that the girl leaves.

"Are you tired?" It takes me a second to realize that he's talking to me. I look at him and shrug. Even though my whole body is urging me to lay down.

"Julie." I look at him and give him my most uninterested look. He takes a deep breath and looks down.

"I know your tired, heck I would be too if I had to walk about 8 hours with my hands tied behind my back with some constantly pulling me." I just give him another shrug. Once the doctor finishes up, Jax stands up and and walks up to me. It takes everything in me to not squirm. He kneels down in front of me and rests his hands on either side of the chair. I keep my eyes on him, watching every move he makes.

"I need to do one more thing and then you can rest." Is all he says while standing up and pulling me with him. The second I'm on my feet I'm only inches away from his face. I try to take a step back but he holds me in place. I feel his hand scale down to my hands and his eyes never leaving mine. Next thing I know I can feel my arms naturally fall down to my side.

"Don't want my little brother to see anyone tied up, even if you are a rouge prisoner." His voice so cold and heartless, my wolf whimpers at his words. I don't let it show that it affects me, I don't like giving him or anyone that satisfaction. I just give him a nod.

He starts walking and I follow close behind, I keep my head down as I walk ignoring all the stares that every wolf gives me as we pass them. After two turns and two flights of stairs we make it to a room with about four other wolves crowded in.

"Everyone out." the second his words leaves his mouth every wolf is gone but two, the blonde girl from earlier and a little brunette boy. Jax goes up to him and wraps his arms around him, lifting him up.

"I was a brave boy JJ!" The little boy yelps in Jax's arms. Jax puts him down back on his bed and looks at him.

"Yes you were, I'm so proud at how brave you were." Jax says ruffling his hair and giving the boy the biggest smile ever. Watching as Jax, and what I assume are his siblings, catch up triggers something in me. I close my eyes to calm down. But when I open them, I'm not with Jax anymore.

"I was so brave Oaks, you should see the other guys. They screamed so loud they almost wet their pants!" I give him the biggest smile and ruffle his hair.

"I know! When they saw the chair move, they lost it." I laugh out. I replay the prank Chris and I had just pulled on those kids. It was the most fun we had all week. I planned it knowing that Chris was sad because of our parents so I decided it was time for another prank. 

"Julie! Hello Julie." Hearing my name, or at least the one I gave Jax, I snap back to reality with all six eyes on me. I gather myself and pushing the memory to the back of my head. Jax gives me a look of concern.

"Are you okay?" I give him a small smile and nod.

"Just tired I guess." He doesn't seem to buy it but he lets it go and walks out with me right on his tail. I follow him all the way to our rooms. When we reach the front of the bedroom doors, I open mine immediately ready to shut the door and sleep but I guess Jax has other plans.

"Can I come in?" I look at him and shrug. I walk in and sit on my unmade bed. I haven't noticed how beautiful and unmade bed could be until now. I watch Jax walk around and run his hands through hair. I took a mental note on how good he looks doing that.

"Okay, so the whole journey back, I was thinking about everything that happened and what you said. And you're right." I gave him the weirdest look.

"Go on."  He gives me a look but keeps talking.

"I didn't want to believe it, but you may be right. There may be a traitor in my pack, I just needed to make sure no on in the pack thought I believed it. That's why I tied you up, so they think that I think its you." After his reasoning, it still doesn't make me any happier.

"So the best you could have thought of was tying me up in front of your entire pack and dragging me back on foot! Seriously! My feet are killing me and I'm very tired. Not cool, there must have been a better way of doing that!" I half yell at him, he lets out a small laugh, I look at him and laugh as well. I don't know why I'm laughing but it feels good to genuinely laugh.

"Its n-not fu-funny!" I say in between laughs and throw a pillow at him. He catches without trying and then he throws it back at me. He gives me a more solemn look.

"Goodnight Julie." With that he leaves. I take a second to figure out what just happened, being too tired to stay focused on it for now, I finally collapse into the comfortable bed and doze off with a hint of a smile still playing on my lips. 


See you next chapter


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