Chapter 26

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Walking into Jax's room, I relax not having to be the stronger person anymore. The silence leads me to start first.

"We need to find him. I need more answers." Seeing no reason to beat around the bush. The more I think about this Giles man the more frustrated I become. How is it that there is no mention about a rouge spy and the inside operations the royals had. How can a human have more knowledge than a wolf. None of this makes sense and it just makes me even more determined to find him.

"Zane is working on it, we want to find him just as badly as you do." He says walking to his desk leaning against it looking right at me. Sitting down on the couch, I rub my hands together anxious that we have no game plan, no leads, that we have nothing.

"We have nothing, but an old drunk who can disappear into thin air." I can't seem to get the picture of Brea out of my head. Why do I look so much like her than my own mother? Why have I never heard about her from my parents. Why does it feel like I don't know as much about my family like I thought I did.

"Well, we still have the research center, we just need to find it." He tries to cheer me up with our possibilities, which isn't a lot considering we have no idea where it is.

"We still need to find it before it can be a lead. How hard can it be to find an old building?" 

"Well, maybe its hidden in plain sight?" Jax thinks, leaving the room silent for a few moments before something clicks.

"Wait a second." I say, getting up from my spot. I dash out of his room and to his office, headed right for a book that I remember skimming through. I can hear Jax following close behind. I barge in, ignoring the questions from Jax and the presence of Cade, reading some books on a chair opposite if Jax's desk. I stop in my tracks, looking frantically around for the symbol on the book that I need. I push away papers and books, going from one end of the room to the other end, still coming up empty. 

"Damn it!" I yell out angry, I throw a book down knowing it's not the book that I need. 

"Oaks!" I ignore him still focused on finding what I need. I glance around the room once more until I land on Cade. I walk right up to him, grabbing the books in his hand.

"Hey!" Cade shouts. Not caring how rude I seem to be right now, I look at the three books in my hand.

"No." I drop the first book. The second book reading, 'The short history of humans.' I drop that knowing its not that one either. The second book having a symbol of a masonic pentagram, with a title saying, 'The mysteries of human findings.'

"Aha!" Excited I look through the pages trying to find what I'm looking for. Jax and Cade coming closer to see what I'm looking for. I stop at a page explaining how humans had recently found something that they have no knowledge of but considering the amount of deterioration it has, they assume it's an ancient building that their ancestors used.

"They call it 'The building with no History.' One day, a man had stumbled upon a building covered in vines and grass, once it got to their government, they took possession of it and concealed it, trying to figure out what it was. When they couldn't figure out what this building was or what it was used for they decided to turn it into a museum, assuming that it was used by their ancestors even though there is no indication on what it was or why it was abandoned.' I read the section, following the lines with my finger. I look up at Jax, happy we were finally able to get a more reliable lead.

"Its the research center, I know it." I tell them already excited to start our journey to the building.

"Where is it located?" Jax asks looking at the pages trying to find a location. 

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