Chapter 7

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"Yeah, at first I thought the place looked horrific, but after a few visits, I've learned that true beauty resides from the inside and not from the outside. Plus the food is amazing." Jax says through a mouthful of waffles. 

"The food is truly amazing." I reply cutting up the last few pieces of my pancakes. He nods chugging a glass of milk. I just slowly eat while I watch him devour his food. Looking around this diner, I notice its very busy but the only customers that this diner seems to attract is older couples, not a person our age in this place.

"Where are your parents?" I ask without thinking about what kind of reaction I'd get. Jax stops moving altogether and somehow I feel like I've stepped into dangerous territory with Jax. He puts down his fork and wipes his face. He looks at me with a cold expression.

"They were killed." Was all he said. I freeze knowing all too well the tone he uses. Just taking a guess, I'm assuming rouges had a part in this.

"How?" My curiosity gets the best of me. I watch as he clenches his jaw and glares at his food instead of me. I wait patiently for his answer, already assuming what the answer will be.

"Rouges happened." He spits out. I involuntarily flinch at the coldness of his tone. I have gotten used to this tone as other wolves, in the past, have given me the same tone because of my parents and because I am a rouge as well. But for some reason when he uses this same tone with me, it breaks my heart. I try my hardest not to show how much that affected me. I look down at my food knowing all too well that I've completely lost my appetite.

"Oh." Was all I could muster. Even though we are suppose to be mates, his hatred for rouges overpowers our bond and I can feel it at this very moment. Jax takes a few breaths and then looks back up at me and gives me a very forced smile.

"Not hungry anymore?" I shake my head, giving him a lie that I have a stomach ache. I can tell he didn't believe me but doesn't push it. All of a sudden a younger wolf runs right to our table smelling like blood.

"Alpha Jax, we've got a problem, we've got a rouge trespasser!" The wolf says out of breathe. He looks to him and gets up as fast as possible, throwing a few bills on the table. Without a choice I follow him to the car. He races back to the pack house and runs out the field where other wolves have surrounded someone. We get closer and a wolf with messy light brown hair and brown eyes.

"Alpha, Zane and a few others went into the woods to see if any other rouges are hiding close by. We were told to watch this rouge and get you. But there's something off about this rouge." The wolf says.

"What do you mean, there is something off?" He looks at him puzzled. Instead of answering Jax he just motions towards the rouge. Jax and I walks over to the rouge. The second the rouge is in view, I notice the long brown hair and tiny form. She looks up and I recognize her immediately, without thought I run up to her.

"Oh my, Jennifer!" I kneel down in front of her, the second I do she wraps her arms around me and starts crying. I try to calm her down, for a second I forget there are other wolves around, even Jax. I separate myself  from Jennifer and look down at her body noticing blood. Before I could speak, I get interrupted.

"I'm assuming you know her?" Jax implies. I look at him with a defeated look.

"I do."

"Well she trespassed and we can't take that lightly, especially with all the recent rouge attacks." I look at him and nod in understanding.

"Lock us up then, but I need to talk to her and I'm not leaving her alone with wolves who have a burning hatred for us." I glare up at him. He clenches his jaw, his eyes having a different emotion than what his body is showing. He lets out a breathe and looks at his wolves.

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