Chapter 3

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After a couple of days here, I start to think that its not as bad as I thought, a bit boring just stuck so close to Jax and watching him work. But my wolf seems to be more at peace than she has been in a long time. Listening to some of the conversations Jax has had, I've gathered that a good amount of wolves from his pack has been taken by rouges.

As we sit in his office, I watch him looking over stacks of paperwork and then losing focus and stare at a picture, then look to a pile of maps. This goes on for hours, after I finally had enough of this pathetic routine I get up and grab the picture that he can't seem to stop looking at. I look at the photo seeing two people. A young blonde girl and an even younger brunette boy sitting at a table laughing with ice cream cones in their hands, very carefree and very happy. For a second I picture them to be Chris and I, but after blinking a few times its back to the two kids.

"That's my sister and my brother." He says not bothering to look at me, instead he's reading some piece of paper. I put the picture back down when I caught onto the sadness in his eyes. Not the fake sadness but the real sadness, the kind that can only come to a person when something dear to them has been taken away from them. I sit back down and study him and wonder how I missed it before, why he's so determined and constantly working because hes distracting himself, trying to find something, anything to get them back.

"What happened?" I ask genuinely curious. He drops the papers in his hand and looks right at me.

"The rouges happened." He spits out. I flinch by the venom in his voice, I look down finding my hands more interesting.

"They just took them, they were playing in the back yard and then a bunch of rouges come out and grabs both of them, with and handful of other wolves from my pack. All while I was in this office trying to deal with the rouge situation that's getting worse already." He explains. I just sit there and listen.

"I'm sorry." I say as sincere as I can. Judging by his eye roll and clenched jaw, he didn't believe that I truly meant it. 

"Is there anyway I can help?" I ask trying to be useful. I gives me a sideways glance.

"What exactly can you do for me?" I look around to think of any reason why he should let me help.

"Well I am a rouge right? Maybe I can help you break down the areas that could a possible location for holding your wolves." I reason with him. He thinks about it for a second and then finally gives in.

"Okay, seems like a good idea." He gives in, I let a smile come out and bound around the desk and grab the maps. I look down to the map and try to remember where my parents had warehouses and which ones could possibly be the location of Jax's pack. 

"No, not possible, maybe, nope, that one is a good chance." I give him answers while he tries to keep up with me and scribbles down notes. I land on a location on the map and mentally face palm. My parents could be so predictable.

"They are here." I say pointing to a green covered part of the map. Jax drops his pencil and looks to where my finger is pointing at. He shakes his head.

"Not possible." I look at him confused.

"What do you mean, not possible?"

"I mean there's no way they have my pack there, because its a human factory and wolves, even rouge wolves don't go near human factories." He states.

"Actually, I have a friend who tells me that rouges put up that warehouse as a human factory because they know that no wolf would even think twice about looking there." I throw back at him. He's in thought for a moment before he gets up and shoves his lamp off his desk. I flinch back at his action.

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