Chapter 30

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As I drag the last piece of luggage down the stairs to the car I see Jax talking to Grace and Luke. Most likely saying goodbye and giving them a set of rules. Since we are leaving, going to the packs that have been hit, Jax has decided to keep his third in command in charge while we are gone since I was able convince him to bring Jennifer and Zane so I wasn't lonely. I waited by the car while everyone else was still bringing their stuff down. I watched as Luke gave Jax a big hug begging him not to go.

"Earth to Oaks, you there?" I see a hand move up and down in front of my face, I look to my side to see Jennifer looking right at me.

"Sorry, I'm here, whats up?" I ask still kind of out of it.

"I didn't want to make a big a deal about or anything but, you have blood coming out of your ear." She points out with a worried expression on her face, without a response I cover my ear and dash towards the nearest bathroom and lock the door behind me immediately. I rush to the mirror and examine my ear. 

"Crap." I mutter to myself, grabbing some toilet paper trying to clean up my ear. I start getting worried because if Jax finds out about my ear then he will make the decision that I am unfit to take the role as Luna. No alpha wants a sick mate or luna. Suddenly there's a knock on the door.

"Oaks are you okay? Jennifer said you were bleeding?" He asks the last part. 

Shit! I go through any possible answer I can think of to get him to not worry, but I come up with nothing.

"Uhh, yea I'm okay, just cleaning up." I say frantically, looking over my ear one more time making sure there is no evidence of my ear ever bleeding. I swing the door open to see Jax crossing his arms and giving me a slight glare. He gently pushes me back in the bathroom and closes the door. He looks at me with a slight scowl.

"Oakley, if you want to gain my full trust, you have to be honest with me." He says down to me. The way he talks to me, makes me whimper a bit. I regain my posture and look right at him.

"It's really nothing, I promise." Not breaking eye contact with him. I can see him getting irritated. His fists are turning white, getting harder and harder for him to keep his cool. He starts breathing in and out really slow.

"Oaks, do you want me to trust you?" I nod my head yes.

"Okay so what is going on with you, the honest truth." I study him, shocked that he thinks I'm just going to open up to him through force.

"You can't force me to open up Jax, that's not how it works." He scoffs at me. I'm taken back by his attitude.

"You want me to open up to you, you first have to stop acting like a jerk and stop demanding things out of me, these things take time Jax." I yell at him. I can see that he's putting in all of his energy on not exploding on me.

"You can't expect us to develop as a couple if your just going to keep secrets, that's not how this is supposed to work. So for the last time, tell me what is going on." I look at him completely shocked and completely speechless. I don't know what to do or say, this isn't Jax.

"This isn't you Ja-" The moment I said that, Jax had pushed me up against the wall roughly, causing me to hit my head hard. My head starts pounding, creating black spots in my vision. I can slightly hear his voice in the background but can't make out anything he is saying. I can feel his nails digging into my skin. I notice the room starting to spin but all I can seem to focus on is that he is hurting me, and he doesn't even notice, he just keeps yelling at me. Everything seems to be going in slow motion. With all the strength I can muster, I put my hands on his chest and push as hard I can. By doing this, I realize that the only reason I was standing was because Jax was holding me and once he lost his hold on me, my legs had given up on me. I slightly hear shouts coming from somewhere and I look up to Jax to see him completely confused at what was happening with Zane talking to him.

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