Chapter 14

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"She should be fine to sleep, but just on the safe side, she should wait out the last three hours." The doctor gives his recommendation while scanning through my file. I internally groan, already having a hard time keeping my eyes open.

"Come on! I just want to sleep, I'm fine!" I protest, the only thing on my mind is my bed.

"We can get you more coffee or even an energy drink." Jax suggests, trying to be helpful, the doctor nods his head, agreeing with Jax.

"I don't think it's a good idea to put any more caffeine or any energy drinks in my body." I argue just wanting to sleep.

"Try and sleep, you'll get ice water dumped on you." Jax dares me, I send him the meanest glare I could. To tired to argue I remain silent, knowing all too well that I'm not going to win this fight.

"Lets go, I have somewhere I need to be." He informs me, holding his hand out for me to grab. I look down at his hand, realizing that he subconsciously offered his hand out to me. Just the thought of it makes my heart skip and my stomach creating butterflies. I reach for his hand, having no energy to walk on my own. Man, I really want my bed right now. I frown at the thought of waiting another three hours before I can sleep.

"Where are we going?" Curious as to where he's taking me. He doesn't answer but just keeps walking. After another five or so minutes pass, we stop at a door. I glance up at Jax to see him recollect himself before walking in, I just stare at the door wondering what's on the other side. He reaches for the door and opens it revealing two people.

"JJ!  Jax's little brother calls to him excitedly running up to him. He wraps his tiny arms around Jax's legs.

"Hey buddy, how are you feeling today?" He rubs the boy's hair, messing it up.

"I'm okay, it's just so boring staying inside all the time. When can I go play outside?" I notice the younger girl shake her head at the boy.

"Luke, you know why we can't go outside, it's too dangerous for us pups." She points out, with a bored tone like she has to explain it to the boy every few minutes.

"Grace, how are you?" She gets up and dusts herself off.

"I'm doing good, I just wish I could see my friends." She says a little sad. I avoid eye contact, feeling a little out of place. I shift my feet a little, attracting the attention of Jax and Grace.

"Grace, Luke this is Oakley. I realized I haven't given you guys a proper introduction." I give them a small wave.

"Is she your mate?" Grace shoots me a curious look, taking me in making me feel a little awkward.

"Uh, yea she is." He looks at me squeezing my hand just a little. My heart jumping at this little action.

"Oh my gosh! Finally he won't be such a loner anymore!" Grace jumps up and down, teasing her older brother.

"I wasn't a loner, I just chose to work more than hangout with people." Grace sends him pointed look.

"Jax, even you and Zane aren't close anymore, you guys used to be joined at the hip. Now you guys only talk with it comes to pack business. He hangs out more with me than he sees you in a week." Jax shrugs not denying her claim, I chuckle at Grace already liking her.

"Do you mind hanging out here with me for a while?" I want to say that I'd rather sleep, but knowing that he won't let me I shake my head no letting him know that I don't mind.

"We'll stay here to kill your time before you can sleep." I nod.

"Do you want to build legos with me?" Luke asks, looking up at me with his big blue eyes. I give a big smile and kneel down to his level.

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