Chapter 15

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"Hurry up before Alpha Jax gets down here and gets mad because we didn't finish!" I hear one of the pack wolves say as they run across the room with stuff in their arms. I stop to take a look at the commotion happening in front of me.

"What in the world is going on?" I ask myself.

"I heard that there is going to be an alpha staying for a few days to discuss business." Jennifer explains to me. After Jax lifted the spell off of me, he had also granted freedom to Jennifer since she is Zane's mate. 

"Did Zane tell you that?" I tease her, at the mention of his name her face turns red. I chuckle at her knowing how shy she is when it comes to him.

"Hmm, I wonder which alpha it is." I wonder, making my way towards the kitchen. I dodge every wolf running around the house, not even noticing me here with them. Once I make my way to the kitchen, I smile loving the fact that I have the freedom to come here anytime that I want. I sigh with content knowing I'm about to eat. I go straight to the fridge opening it up to find some type of fruit, I've been craving fruit for days now.

"Find something good in there?" A voice asks from the side of me. I close the right door of the fridge to see who is talking. A man with chocolate hair and light brown eyes, with a slight scruff comes into view.

"No, not yet-, wait a second." I say before spotting something hidden in the back of the freezer.

"Bingo!" It's not fruit, but you can't beat ice cream.

"What? Did you find something good?" He peeks his head in. I close the door to the fridge and freezer, happy with my findings. 

"There's never a wrong time for double chocolate ice cream!" I jump with happiness, excited to have some. The strange man follows me to the kitchen island.

"I haven't seen you before, and you don't have the pack scent so who are you?" The man asks me, studying me from the other side of the island.

"Oh, the name's Oakley." I introduce myself, I figure that since Jax already knows who I am then there's no need to use a fake name. I grab a bowl and start scooping ice cream into it.

"You must be a mate to someone in this pack." The man thinks out loud. I stop and look up to him.

"Have you ever heard the saying, curiosity killed the cat?" I point my spoon at him, sending him a playful glare.

"Good thing I'm not a cat." He smirks at me, I roll my eyes at how dumb he is.

"The names Cade, I'm the third in command of this pack." He introduces himself.

"How come we are barely meeting then?" I ask getting ready to start eating my ice cream. He reaches over the table grabbing the tub of ice cream. 

"Hey, why did you take that, I was planning on having seconds!" I protest, pouting that he took it from me. He laughs and turns the tub around showing a name written in black sharpie.

"Considering that this tub reads 'Cade', you're lucky I let you have some, double chocolate ice cream is my favorite." I sigh, knowing he has a point.

"Wait, what do you mean?" He asks referring to my earlier statement. I shove a spoonful in my mouth, enjoying the taste of ice cream. I notice Cade grabbing a bowl as well.

"I mean, I've been here for a good minute and if you are third in command that must mean you work directly with Jax and Zane right?" I state while he scoops out his own serving of ice cream, he nods.

"So you're on first name bases with the alpha and the beta?" He looks at me, seeming more interested by the second. 

"So how come I haven't seen you working with them?" I narrow my eyes at him, he goes for his first bite as I am on my last bit, ready for a second serving.

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