Chapter 25

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Brea Pots, the name running through my mind, never leaving my thoughts.

"Ho-How, do you know any of this?" I stammer trying to figure all of this out. Giles reaches for his glass not knowing that it's empty. Once he realizes this he signals the bartender for another glass. 

"I can't tell you that." He says as he watches the bartender walk up with another glass of alcohol. My eyes never leaving the man in front of me who seems to know more about our history than us. 

"Brea Pots was a major player in bringing down the rogues even though she herself was a rogue." He starts trying to avoid explaining how he knows this. Giles takes a gulp of his drink and burps, a whiff of his breath catching our noses. We all shudder in disgust from the smell of alcohol. He rummages through his journal trying to find the next part of his story. Jax looks at me, a confused look etched on his face.

"How do you know about this rogue, there is no information about the identity of the rogue the king had on the inside in any of our records." Jax asks trying to figure out how a simple human can have more information on wolf history than even a wolf has.

"It's not common knowledge but the royals had connections everywhere. They even had a human family that they kept in contact with to give them any information in the human world that could possibly lead to the discovery of their hidden world. This family was sworn to secrecy and had to pledge their allegiance to the royals." He explains pulling out a piece of paper with a picture of a group of people. Half seem to be more superior and confident and the other half seem to be regular people, humans. At the corner of the of the picture I noticed a girl with red hair who seemed to bare a resemblance to me.

"Is that Brea?" I point to the girl in the picture. Giles nods while turning the picture around to take a look at it.

"She was a part of the King's immediate chain of command circle. But because she was a rouge, not everyone liked the fact that she held a spot on the chain of command." Without thinking, I continue asking questions about Brea.

"What's her story?" Giles continues to stare at the red haired rogue and lets out a sigh, before picking up his glass and taking a long swig.

"Brea Pots, was an unfortunate soul. She was a rogue by birth but had a heart of gold, she never wished any harm to anyone she met but because of her title, pack wolves hated her and her family hated her for not following their lead in becoming a criminal rogue. Even back then the Pots held the number one spot in being dangerous rogues who enjoyed destroying packs and being scary dangerous. When the king found out about Brea, he gave her a proposition, as long as she was his inside source to the rouges, she would have his protection." Taking in the information that was given to me, I somehow feel a connection to Brea. Like I somehow know exactly how she feels and the bad situation she was born into.

"She was a rogue who wanted no violence and just wanted to fit in somewhere." I say out loud, staring at the picture of her holding the baby wrapped in pink. Giles nods in agreement while he finishes his drink and gathers up his papers, snatching the picture in my hands before I could protest. He looks around noticing something that we haven't.

"I've been here too long." He shoves the messy journal back into his backpack and starts taking out bills to pay for his tab. As he does this, I pick up a scent and react by turning my head in the direction of the entrance. 

"What is it?" Jax asks, getting the attention of Zane and Cade. The scent gets stronger as if it's coming towards us.

"Rogue." I snarl out. I look back to Giles to see him already heading for the back door. Cade and Zane jump up looking at the entrance, probably catching the scent of the rogues as well. I jump out of my seat following Giles, not entirely ready to finish our conversation.

"Wait, I need more, please!" I beg him, hoping he'll stop.

"I can't stay, they have been looking for me. I have to hide. I have too much information, dangerous information." He panics looking all around not wanting to be here any longer. I turn around to see the entrance kicked in by three rogues, Zane and Cade in an attack ready position. I look back to see Giles gone, I run out the back door hoping to catch his scent but come up empty like he was never here to begin with. My head going in every direction to try and make sense of how he just disappeared.

"Where's the Pots girl?" I hear a rogue asks from within the bar. Angry and disappointed that I can not get more answers I turn back to the three rogues who interrupted our conversation and march right up to them, well as far as Jax would let me go. Before I can get close enough to the rogues, his arm wraps around my waist.

"Let me go! I have a bone to pick with them!" I yell out frustrated, fighting against his hold.

"No, let them take care of the rogues." Jax insisted, tightening the hold on my waist.

"I needed more time, more information and they ruined it! They scared him off!" I yell pointing in their direction.

"Let it go, we will get more answers. Remember, we can't sacrifice any type of information, Giles was right to run. I grumble knowing all too well that Jax is right. 


"Brea Pots was good. So maybe there is hope for me!" I say hopeful. Jennifer looks at me with a happiness that seems too far fetched.

"How do you know this man is telling the truth though?" She asks, doubtful a human has the real answers. She has every right to be doubtful, I mean even I am still doubtful. A Pots being on the good side? That's just crazy right?

"He had photos that proved that she at least worked for the royals, that's got to count for something!" I say still hopeful that I can salvage the any possibility of me being on the good side for once. She sends me a smile that puts me at ease.

"What happened to this Giles human? How did he get away so fast?" She asks changing the subject. That was the question still on my mind, how does a human just vanish with no trail, with no scent what so ever?

"I don't know, it's bugging me for sure. But I want to know more about this human family, If there is any documentation on them. I need to find out more about this Brea Pots wolf." I explain. Pacing back and forth in my room that has mostly been empty since I'm always in Jax's room recently while Jennifer spends the night with Zane most of the time. So this room has just become a safe space for us to talk.

"Oaks..." Jennifer says catching my attention, causing me to stop in my tracks and wait for her to continue.

"I, um, I'm scared." She says, looking down towards the ground not sure to look. I walk up to her, sitting next to her on the bed, wrapping my arm around her shoulders and pulling her close to me.

"Jen, everything will be okay. I won't let anything happen to you." I reassure her. She pushes away from me and looks right at me.

"It's not me I'm scared for, I'm scared for you. If something happens to you I don't know what I would do." She admits trying to avoid eye contact with me. I send her a sad smile, understanding how she feels because I feel the same way about her. I put a hand on her shoulder causing her to look up at me.

"I'm scared too, but as much as I would love to just hide away with you were it is safe, I can't because I'm the reason this is happening, well sort of the reason. It's my family's fault and I have to fix it."

"I know, but it still scares me, what if your parents succeeds in capturing you and gets access to your powers." She holds herself tightly.

"Jen, I promise you I won't ever let it go that far. Okay?" I reassure her, she nods her head.

"Oaks, can we talk?" Jax says through the door. Ending the conversation between Jen and I. I give her one last hug and walk towards the door to Jax's room.

"Hey Oaks." I turn back to Jennifer, waiting for her to continue.

"Thanks for the talk, It made me feel better a little bit." She says shyly hugging herself. I look at her and pull her into a hug.

"Anytime." I hug her tighter.  


See you next chapter


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