Party night

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Zosia POV:
He been annoying me all day, he won't leave me for two minutes. He doesn't know I have a personal space bubble what he keeps entering. He love him but really he needs to leave me alone. He keeps going on and on about this party tonight, honest I'm looking forward to it but not if he keeps on watching my every move. Seb he just SO over protective and sometimes I just want to kill him but I guess that love.

I snap back in to reality when Ollie burst into the staff room. I just stare at him waiting for him to speak.

"Sorry I forgot what I was going to say" Ollie says, I giggle he does really make me laugh.
"I hope it not anything important like a patient gone into VF or someone needs emergency surgery" I laugh.
"No nothing like that... I think" Ollie says while walking over to the kettle.
"Coffee?" He says looking at me.
"Yes please"
"What are you reading?"
"Something of Seb work, I love him but this is so boring"
"Well if you don't mind can you assist me in theatre with a valve replacement" he says handing me my coffee and sitting next to me.
"Ummm... okay but if Seb founds out it your falut" I say trying to be serious but failing badly, he laugh.
"Okay okay are coming to the party after work?" He says walking to the door.
"Yes I'll be there" I smile at him.

Ollie POV:
I walk out of the staff room with a smile on my face. Zosia is the most beautiful woman in the world, her smile is just perfect when she smile it makes me smile, her body is amazing not to curvy but that how I like it, she so smart as well I think I need to keep an eye on her, she can probably can take my job but I still love her. Wait I love her, I must do but she with that Sebastian Coulter ugh... him what does she see in him just so slimy and yucky. He probably goes out with her to get me jealsous or to get in her head but I'm not sure which but it one of them.

I go inside Albi's honest I'm not looking forward for this party. I look around and see Mo, Dom, Arthur, Adele, Cara and Raf but zosia not here I sit down next Mo and she ask me if I want a drink, I say I can a have beer please. Raf cone sit next to me.
"Is Ollie missing zosia" he laugh, me and Raf are best mates, I roll my eyes.
"A bit not going to lie... But talking about relationship you and Cara were a little close" I wink at him and he blushes.
"I guess, she is cute and all the patients like her and keep asking me for her" he says, going red in the face.

It been 10 minutes and she still not here Raf won't shut up about Cara and Adele keeps sitting on knee saying she loves me while she trying to keep her balance. Let's say she drank lot alcohol in the space of 20 minutes of her being her. I get kick in the shin by Raf, I look at the door and see zosia stand there and with Seb, she looks stunning. She got a tight fit blue dress with a v shape neck so a good shot of her cleavage, what I'm not complaining about. She comes over and sits next to me.
"Hey" she says to me.
"Hi you look pr...great" well there goes the romantic line.
"Thank you , you don't look bad yourself" she laughs and I laugh back, god her smile will kill me soon it so perfect. Seb comes back with a drink for her and himself, the tension between me and Seb is really bad, I think zosia has notice that as well.

Zosia POV:
Well the tension between Ollie and Seb is deathing, we been here not even a minute and it all ready bad. Seb puts he hand on my knee obviously to get Ollie jealsous and I think it working. Start to talk to Cara and Mo.
"Well I think I can sense tension what you could cut with a knife" Cara laughs, me and Mo laugh aswell.
"Don't get me started Cara it very awkward when your sitting between them" I say while looking at Ollie who talking to Raf and Seb who to busy on his phone.
"Well if I was you go for baby blue eyes" Cara says.
"I don't think Raf would like to hear that" I say while smirking and Cara blushes.
"Well I agree" Mo says smiling.
The night goes on, Seb still hasn't got of his phone, I try to look at what he is doing but he turns his phone and says nosy. I decide to go to the toilet for a minute to breath.I hear the door open and it Ollie.
"This is the girls Valentine" I laugh
"I know" he says laugh aswell.
"I came to see you, no offence you look upset" he says softly walking over to me.
"It nothing I'm being stupid" I say trying to walk past but he grab my wrist softly. I just stare at him.
"I don't like you looking upset" he says softly, leaning in for a kiss, I don't what to do, do I let him kiss or do I reject him. His lips crash onto mine it awhile to realise that he kissing me but I find myself kissing him back. He kiss passionately and yet so soft. It like fireworks are exploding around us. We both pull away for air and I look in his eyes and smile, he smile back and pecks my lips again.
"I love you" he whispers my heart flutters.
"I love you too" I say softly to him. I do truely love him.

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