My poorly man

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Zosia POV:
I wake up to see Ollie sleeping on my chest. He only does that when he ill or he nervous. But there nothing to be nervous about I think, I spend a good 15 minutes trying to think what he could be nervous about but there absolutely nothing so he must be ill.

He being's to stir, he looks pale.
"Morning handsome"
"Morning" he mutters
"You don't look very well babe" I says as I'm concerned about him.
"I feel sick and weak" he mutters, I can barely hear him, he must be ill.
"I think you need the day off" I say softly to him so he will have the day off.
"But what about the patients they need me" he says, trying to get up but I push him down.
"Well one day won't hurt and they don't want a zombie looking after them do they" I says trying to convince him.
"Okay okay" he says resting his head on his pillow closing his eyes. I carefully get out of bed and make a coffee for myself and a get a glass of water for ollie. I take it upstairs with bucket so if he is sick he doesn't be sick on the bed.
"Here a glass of water and a bucket so if your sick please do it in the bucket because you be sick on my bed I'll rip your balls off okay" I says. He giggle a little.
"I think my kebo messing up a bit so I think why I feel sick" he says weakly.
"Okay do you need me to stay with you" I says rubbing his hair.
"No you go to work there no point two doctors being off" he smiles.
"Okay bye babe" I kiss his head and go to the door, I lock it and go to car and drive to work.

I make it to work 10 minutes early for once I get a coffee from pulses. I see Dom and I sit with him.
"Heyyy girl" Dom says cheerfully
"What got you in a good mood" I laugh.
"Can't I be happy to see my favourite girlfriend" he says sarcastically.
"Dom have you turn straight" I laugh.
"Obviously... Anyway where lover boy" he says take slip out of his coffee.
"He ill, he think it his kebo playing up" I say smiling.
"Awww what zosia wosia going to do without him" he smirks.
"Some work probably" I laugh.
"Got to go Dominic" I say, kissing his cheek and going to the lift. I end up with 2 minutes left, I rush to the locker room and get dressed. God I going to be a long day, I think to myself. I walk to jac's office, I take a deep breath and knock on the door.
"Come in" her frosty voice says.
"Ahhhh F2 what do you want, were blue eyes?"
"Good see you as well and ollie ill so he not coming in today his kebo playing up" I says not bothered if my cheeky or not.
"Brilliant off course he ill" she says being nasty.
"Well he can't help being ill so tough" I say while walking out the door slaming it be hide me. I walk to the nurses station and see Mo.
"No blue eyes today" she says cheerfully.
"No he ill" god how many do I need to tell people that ollie ill, I'm like a broken record.
"Oh okay...well you can assist me in threater with triple bi-pass" I smile and follow Mo to the patient.

I got 10 minutes left off work. My phone goes off, its of ollie.

Hey babe I think needs some more meds for my kebo can you go in my locker get my ID and my form to get some please ❤❤ - Ollie

Of course babe, I got 10 minutes left of work I'll grab some after work, what your locker code 💓💖 - Zosia

My locker code 0857 thank you babe I'll make it up to you ❤😘- Ollie

I only got 2 minutes left I go to locker room get change out of my scrubs, go over to Ollie locker and get his ID and form to get the meds. I go over to the lift and wait for it to come I go on my phone and text Ollie.

How many times you been sick babe 😘💓- Zosia

Twice and before you say anything it was in the bucket 😘❤- Ollie

Haha okay I'll be home soon, I hope your still bed 😂😘❤- zosia

I am babe see you soon ❤💓 - Ollie

Soon as I finish texting him the lift comes finally, I step and go on the 2nd floor, pharmacy. I walk up to the women I show her Ollie ID and form, she nods her head and gets the meds and see says he can get more in 1 month but not before.I smile and take the meds, ID and the new form put it in my bag and walk to the car and drive home.

"I'm home handsome" I shout upstairs.I grabs the meds and walk upstairs.
"Well hello again" I say kissing ollie cheek. He smile, I give him his meds go to the bathroom, fill his glass up with water and give it him. I watch him takes his.
"I'm not only one who got to take meds" I laugh and he laughs back but weakly.
"Ahhh that better" he says pulling me into a warm hug.
"Do you want anything to eat smelly" I smile
"What do you mean smelly" he says trying to look hurt.
"Nothing handsome, do you want food" I smile at him.
"Can I have some toast please babe"
"Of course" I kiss his head and get him some toast, I put a little bit of butter and go back upstairs to give it him. I get bed with him and cuddle up in his side.
"It been alonely without you" I softly closing my eyes.
"I'll come work tomorrow sweetheart" he says while playing with my hair.
"I love you handsome"
"I love you too gorgeous"

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