Framed (part 2)

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Zosia POV:
A week has gone past and I'm still at work. My dad has got incredibly close to me like asking me if I would like to go out shopping or out for dinner, what is strange. There still no Ollie so he probably hiding somewhere ashamed at what he did, but I don't think it was him, he was begging me to know what he done and when I told him, he broke down and beg me to not believe it and he was framed. I shut off my thoughts by Mo waving a folder in my face.
"What up selfie "
"Nothing" I fake smile but I think she know I'm lying.
"Come tell me"
"I don't think Ollie actually did it" I say scared at how she going to react.
"Oh come on the psych even describe as Ollie so it must of been him" she right, he did describe Ollie as Ollie. I get up to surgery with Mo. It's not the same without Ollie it longer days, no fun in the staff room and surgery hasn't got a buzz about it anyone. But no he reports me to psych so I need to get over him. But how?

Surgery went well with Mo and I'm now sat in the staff room doing paperwork on my own without Ollie. It like Ollie part of me and I need him. Everywhere I look it reminds me of him. The sofa where we kissed, hugged , chuck piece of toast at each other. The cupboard where the one and only cardiothoraric biscuit lie and when he was finding from jac in there... Don't ask. The table where Ollie lies me down and kiss me everywhere. He is everywhere!

Ollie POV:
It's has been a week and I'm so close of showing zosia it wasn't me who reported her. I've got a special friend who hacks CCTV cameras. Hopefully I get a phone call from him saying that he done it. I'm missing zosia so much. A empty bed so I'm cold at night, I sometimes put my arm over to the other side and realise she not there. It's like she's a part of me, I can't stop thinking about her. I walk into the abandoned building where I'm meeting this guy. He told me to be quite, to not interact with anyone and not to tell anyone about him or what he done to get this footage.
I'm outside of holby, I've got a black hoodie on and black jogger, what makes me look even more noticeable I spot zosia with her dad, I get angrier and angrier. I can't help it.

Zosia POV:
I'm with my dad and I see a person in black walk over and punch my dad. I jump in front of the person and pull his hood down to see Ollie. He just stares at me and I stare back.
"It was him. He paid the psychiatric to say it was me too split me and you up" he pleads but I can see he is getting tearful.
"How do you ment to believe him he hasn't got any proof" guy says while wiping his busted lip what Ollie did.
"Actually I have CCTV footage, I'll show all the staff if you want"
"No..." I cut of guy by saying yes and I follow Ollie and my dad who is now trying to convince me not too, what weird. I page everyone to come to the meeting room. We don't wait that long to see that everyone here. I couple minutes later Ollie put on the CCTV footage too see my dad did actually pay him to say it was him. I break down. I see Ollie and my horrible father fighting. Raf, Fletch and ric pull them a part. Jac is hugging me. I know Jac bloody Naylor is hugging me. Then she pulls away and someone else hugs me. I don't need to look who it is, I already know who it is. His muscular arms wrap around me and I cry into his chest. He whisper in my ear 'its okay I'm here now' over and over again what is calming me down. Why would my dad do that? I can't believe I didn't trust Ollie over my dad. My dad has always hurt me and Ollie hasn't. I guess my dad can get into my head. I love Ollie so much, he didn't give up on me.

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