Baby sitter

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In this penny is alive and she goes out with Frieda and they got 2 adopted children Lauren who's 15 and Mary who's 10, Ollie and Zosia have never gone out... Yet 😉

Ollie POV:
Penny has asked to look after the girls because she has to go Ukraine with Frieda because her dad had a big car crash and might lose his legs so I couldn't say no. I've already ask jac to give me a week off but she said I could have longer. I haven't told anyone as Frieda didn't want the whole hospital knowing. I pull up to there house, I walk up to the door and ring the bell. I don't wait long to get a answer.
"Hello mardy number one" I laugh with Lauren.
"Shut up uncle ollie, I'll beat you up" she laughs back, her confidence as grown really well, I remember penny getting her when she was thirteen, she didn't talk or eat, what was very scary for penny and Frieda. I walk in to see Frieda is very agitated. I go over and pull her into a tight hug, what she gladly accepts.
"He will be okay, if he anything like his daughter who is strong and brave he will turn out okay" I say trying to calm her down.
"Right you two get your stuff and come with your favourite uncle in the world and the sexyest man in world" I say making all four girls laugh.
"Sexyest man might be wrong but favourite uncle he might right as your there only uncle" penny laughs, I just shake my head. Lauren and Mary come with two suitcases. I kiss Freda and penny on the head.
"Good luck but I'm sure he'll be okay" I smile to them both. I pick the suitcases up and carry them to the car, I let Lauren and Mary say there goodbyes to there parents and get in the car.
"Right to my house we go" I smile and turning the engine on and pulling off to go to mine.

We get to mine and the girls have gone quite but I guess there just worried but I'll try to keep them strong and know that there grandad is okay. I carry the suitcases to there room. I show them around the house.
"What do you want for dinner, takeaway or I can cook" I smile. They both have a little chat before Mary turns to me.
"Can we have Chinese please uncle Ollie" she ask nervously.
"Of course we can sweetheart" I say pulling her into a hug.

I finish the call with the Chinese man to order the food it was not that expense. I can't remember the last time I had a Chinese takeaway. I hear a knock at the door that was quick. I open the door to be greeted by zosia standing in a beautiful dress.
"Hey" I say to her in a surprise tone.
"Hi... Sorry for being nosey but you left work really early and didn't say anything and jac said you left for awhile and went back to her office.. And I got umm w-worried about you" she says quietly at the end. I smile, I have to tell her even if penny said not to tell anyone and she very beautiful aswel so I kinda have too.
"Well..." I started my sentense, when we both heard screaming from Mary.
"Come in and I'll explain" I walk to see Mary fell down the stairs. Me and zosia went over to she sprained her ankle and it bruising pretty quickly, I carry her to the sofa, I place her down carefully. Zosia come back with ice pack and put it on her ankle. I wipe her tears away with my thumb. Lauren comes running down the stairs.
"What was all the banging" she ask confused about the situation. She gasp when she see Mary.
"Are you okay Mary" she says, coming around the sofa and holding her hand. I pull zosia in the kitchen, who is more confused then when she came in.
"You have to promise you won't tell the hospital about this" I say.
"I promise" she smiles. I check the girls before speaking.
"Right penny and frieda go out and have adopted two girls Mary and Lauren and Frieda's dad has been in serious car crash and might lose his legs and I have to look after girls for a long time so might need to have alot of days off work" I says really quickly so I'm now out of breath after all of that. I see zosia standing there shocked. After awhile she pull me in a tight hug. I gladly accept her hug. I pull away.
"I can help if you want stay over with the girls and you" she offers.
"I can't ask that, you got work" I smile at her.
"I know but after I could come help, two people is better then one" she smiles. I nod and smile back.
"Okay but if you don't want to stay for long then we won't be offend" I say. She smiles at me once again, we both look into each others eyes. I being to lean in and she does the same thing. Were about to kiss when lauren comes in.
"Chinese here uncle ollie" she barges in, we both jump back.
"Okay, you can have some of mine zosia"
"Okay thanks ollie"

We all finish dinner and Mary has fell asleep on the sofa, Lauren has gone to her room so me and zosia are in the living room. I tidy the plates up.
"Just going to take Mary to bed I won't be long make yourself at home" I say to zosia while picking up mary, taking her upstairs into her. Carefully placing her down on the single bed and pulling the blanket over her. I walk down stairs to see zosia sitting there watching something boring on the TV.
"Do you want to watch a movie" I ask her.
"Ummm okay, what do want to watch" I sit down next to her and put on Netflix. We decide to put on centre intelligence starring Kevin Hart and Dwayne Johnson. Were about half way though the film, zosia snuggles into my side. I wrap my arms around her and she look up at me once again were looking at each others eyes. I lean in for the second time today. Finally my lips crash onto her, there so soft. We both pull away as we need air but it not long for another kiss as zosia pulls me into another kiss but this is full of passion. I unzip her dress and let it fall off her body. I flip her so I'm on top of her.
"Are you sure, the girls are only upstairs" zosia questions.
"We have to be quite then" I smirk looking her up and down, she smile and I kiss her lips and then kiss her neck to causing her to moan a little. She starts to lift my shrit up and pulls it over my head, to reveal my six pack.
"Well Mr.Valentine I am impressed" she flirts.
I'll leave the rest for you imagination😉

Zollie Oneshots ❤Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ