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Ollie and zosia have been going out for 16 years and married with 4 children. James is 15, Louise is 12, George and Freya are 4. George is a little pain!

Ollie POV:
"Come James were going to be late" I shout up stairs, I turn around and sort out Freya hair putting it in a French plat and trying to keep George still but he keeps on running off.
"Louise are you ready?" I ask her. She always ready and really helpful when she not on her phone.
"Yeah why?" She ask curiously.
"Can you get Freya ready, while I find the little shhhh...."
"DAD GEORGE BROKE MY LIGHT" James shouts from upstairs cutting off my sentense. I run up stairs and enter james room. I just mange to get George and pick him up.
"Right leave it... Finish your hair quickly please where going to be late for school" I says to james. I carry naked George down the stairs, who trying to wiggle out of my arms.
"Right you little nightmare let get you dressed"I says to George. James runs down stairs grabs his bag and put on Freya coat and bag for her and gives Louise her bag.
"We will be in the car dad" james says while carring Freya to the car.
"Alright" it takes me 10 minutes to dress George!
"Can I have a cream ice please daddy" he says innocently.
"Its ice cream and no you need to go school" I answer. He screams the house down.
"Okay okay George after school, my ears pal" I says picking george up and his bag. I run to the car, put George on the car and fasten him up.
"Right the twins first and then you two" I say out loud.
"Dad why did you have twins, I'm sure I'll be happy with just Freya and Louise" James ask while laughing.
"Blame your mum" I says laughing back.

We get to the nursery and I get Freya out and George. Freya holds my hand and George sprints off. I take then both in.
"See ya my little nightmares" I says to them while kissing both off there heads. I run back to the car.
"Right next stop secondary school"

We finally get to secondary school I say goodbye to james who I see walking over a girl and I smirk, that something to tease about and I say goodbye to Louise who goes over to her friends. Right of to work.

I pull up into a car park space and let a deep breath. I get out, lock it and walk to pulses I better get zosia a coffee aswell. I finally get to coffee and go to lift. I get out and see zosia at the nurses station, she has notice me yet so I slip into the locker room and get into strubs. I hear the door open. I turn around and see zosia I smile that her.
"Long time, no see" she says laughing. I walk over and kiss her on her lips.
"Hello gorgeous" I say resting my head on her shoulder.
"How are the kid's?" she ask me.
"Still little pains.... I got ask a really good question by James"
"Really what" she ask while I give her, her coffee.
"Why did we have twins I'm sure louise and freya would be okay so leads me to my question can we adopt George please" I smiling trying to show I'm joking.
"Awwee you love him really" she says laughing.
"Of course I do but my word he a little pain bum and when I dropped off james he went over to a girl" he say smiling.
"Well he does look like you quite alot, he got your blue eyes and strong jawline so I guess every girl has a crush on him" she says being flirty.
"I see his problems when he older 'oh you have really blue eyes you know' I laugh.
"Well that your falut then"
"Okay I take the blame" I say kissing zosia one more time until we got work.

Zollie Oneshots ❤Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ