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Ollie POV:
I've decided to take zosia on a holiday because her dad getting on to her about going out with me, work getting stressful and her bipolar is up and down the walls most days. I'm taking her to Hawaii. She doesn't know where we're going, I want it to be a surprise for her.

Zosia POV:
Ollie has told me to pack for a holiday. I'm shocked, I didn't know he was planning a holiday. I don't know what to pack he hasn't told me.
"Yes babe"
"Where going, I need to know so I can pack"
"It somewhere hot"
"That brilliant 'somewhere hot' that's amazing answer" I laugh
"Come on we'll be late" he smiles, I kissing his lips, what turns into a passionate kiss. I pull away.
"We will be late" I say coping ollie, smirking at him. He laugh and shakes his head.
We get to the airport, I take Ollie's hand as I got no idea where I'm going.
"Right I need your help... Look for flight 045673... I can't find it" he laughs.
"Oh Ollie... There 2nd line 5th one to...HAWAII" I shouts and hug him.
"I like it?" He laughs. I peck his lips.
We go to the gate and we take our seats, ollie let's me take the seat next to the window. I get my phone and take a picture of us.
"Shall make a Instagram account so I can put pictures of us on" I ask him.
"If you want, I don't mind" he smiles.
"How long will it take ol"
"About 11 hours, were staying at mauna kea beach hotel. Big island, Hawaii" he smiles. I really love ollie he makes me smile, he spends so much money on me and I'm really not worth it. I need to tell him that.

The plane starts to lift off, I can feel ollie staring at me the whole time, we take off. I am excited about this trip, the beach, the beautiful views. I brought my phone and camera. It's calms me down, I don't know why it just does.
"Are you okay zos" he ask me, he know something up with me.
"You spend all this money on me and I'm not worth it at all... You can probably find someone much better" I says while getting teary eventually I sob. He pulls me a tight hug.
"Your more than worth it babe and there no one better and spend all this money because I love you and I want too" he says, I smile at him and he pecks my lips.
"If you say so" I smile
Ollie POV:
We finally landed, it took ages, I couldn't sleep I was worried about zosia and I never liked the thought of sleeping on a plane. Me and zosia get of the plane and zosia gasp.
"It beautiful Ollie" zosia smiles, I love seeing her smile.
"Shall we get our bags and then go to hotel" I suggest. She simply nods at me. We get to the luggage I get zosia's and mine suitcase. Zosia has called a taxi to come over, I put the cases into the boot and get in car.
"Mauna kea beach hotel please" I asks the taxi man.
"Ooh what a lucky women, you get to go there" he laugh.
"I know I am and lucky to get the perfect man" zosia say pecking my lips a couple of times, I smile at her.
We finally get to the hotel, zosia has just a huge smile across her face. We walk up to reception.
"Hello how may I help" a women say behide the counter.
"Room for Mr.Valentine..."
"And Mrs.Valentine... Your room is 436 here two keys, I hope you have a brilliant week" she smiles.
"Well Mrs.Valentine let's go" I laugh in the fact she called zosia Mrs.Valentine. I planned to propose to zosia while where in Hawaii for 2 weeks, I don't know how to do it or when but I'll do it. We get in the lift and we're alone.
"Well we're alone" I smirk push zosia to the back of the lift kissing her neck. The lift door open to see a old couple tuting at us, I see zosia blushing, we walk out of the lift and find our room. We open it to see a massive bed, a jacuzzi and a beautiful view of the beach. I drop the bags and we both go to view, I watch her take a picture. This a perfect moment to do it.

Zosia POV:
"Zosh..." Ollie calls me, I turn around and smile, I see him going on one knee, I gasp I didn't expect this. I'm already crying and he hasn't ask yet.
"Zosia since day one I've loved you but I was to scared to tell and I felt guilty about loving you but you set me straight, opened my eyes to the world and love you even more for that... So will you do the honour to be my wife" Ollie ask showing me a gorgeous diamond ring.
"Yes, yes!!!" I shout, Ollie gets up, pick me up and kiss me all over. I get down and he slip on the diamond ring. I pull him to the massive bed.

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