Fire! part 2

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Zosia POV:
My ears are buzzing, my sight is blurry, my smell is blocked, my taste is just pure smoke. I wake up to see dom on my left asleep on my arm and on my right I see Issac on his phone. I cough not on purpose because my throat is burning. He turns like lighting when he heard me cough.
"Oh my god zosia, your wake!" He shouts so now Dom starts to stir.
"Zosia, love you so much!" Dom pulls me into tight hug. I start to think what happened. Ollie. Where ollie. Is he okay.
"Where's ollie" I see dom and Issac look at each other with a worried face on both of there face.
"Zosh... He didn't make it when the explosion happened he saved you... The burns was too serious... He dead" dom says but all I hear is 'saved you' and 'dead'. I break down. I can feel my bipolar take over. Dom hugs me and Issac calls someone to come in. I see jac and psychiatrist come in.

Its been 2 hours since I found out Ollie is dead. My bipolar has taken over. The psychiatrist is referring me to psych ward. I don't want to go back but Dom told me to do for Ollie. I've told no one about how we were kissing in the store cupboard. The police are going to question me soon but they said someone can be there for me. I probably choose Dom. I know he is the biggest gossip spreader in the world but I don't care no more.
About 10 minutes later I see the police come in with Dom.
"Okay Dr.March, I'm PC dawn and this PC Thom, where just going to question you why you were in the store cupboard... So when your ready" she ask but I stay quiet, I don't need to talk to her. Why should I? Have she got rights over me?... No.
"Come on zosia, there nothing you done wrong" Dom supports me. I cry little.
"We were in the store cupboard because we was... We were... Kissing... Doing something we shouldn't be doing and now he dead... Dead" I sob.
"I'm so sorry Zosia but why didn't you come out when the fire alarm was going off"
"When we were kissing the door lock from the outside so Ollie tryed to open it but he couldn't then the alarm went off" I sob even more, dom is hugging me.
"I think she needs a break" dom says, PC dawn nods and walk out with the other one.
"I'm so proud of you... Ollie, Arthur and your mum would be so proud... Look where you came" Dom hugs me, I just fall asleep....

I wake up to see, I'm in the same room I was in when my bipolar went off the first time. Dull wallpaper, the furniture is still the same, old, dull and uncomfortable. I look around, I can't take this, not again. Its killing me slowly. I see my old psychiatrist come in the room.
"Zosia, nice to see you but not like this" she says cheerfully.
"I can't say the same even if I was mentally well" I give a sarcastic smile.
"Well okay so I need to ask you some question..."
"Yeah I have been taking my meds and I have not missed one in ages and if you need to know why I got like this is because my love of my life is dead, he died for me... So if you don't mind the door there" I point to the door before going to bed.
"Zosia please I'm just doing my job, I don't know how you are feeling so let me know" I just sob again.
"I need Ollie" I tell her.
"I know zosia but he wouldn't want to see you like this" she put a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

3 months later:
I get to leave at last, Dom came to see me a lot, my dad was once in awhile. I don't think I can leave, even though I hate the place, I just can't. I sit in my room. I see Dom come in and hug me.
"Your leaving today" Dom says excited. I give a fake smile but I know it won't be the same without Ollie. Its his funeral soon, I'm going but I don't think I'm going to cope. I walk out with Dom to go to our flat.

We get back to our flat. Soon as we walk in I break down again. Dom hugs and takes me to my room. I see pictures of me and Ollie. It was obviously before we was together but it still emotional.

I know this is going to be a long year.

Zollie Oneshots ❤Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin