The big talk

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Zosia POV:
Well this is the awkward part of relationships when you talk about your family tree and how you grown up in the family you had. I never met Ollie's mum and dad or anyone who is related to him. Saying that Ollie only met my dad for obvious reasons. But it doesn't matter how much you love someone this bit always awkward. I'm talking about it after work when he comes home, we both agreed we need to talk about and we both know its important to talk about it. Ollie will be abit late because I finish earlier than him. I'm quite nervous about this but it got to be done.

Zosia POV:
I hear the door open and Ollie comes in, he smiles at me and a half smile back, what probably looks more suspicious than it should of been.
"Are you okay, you look a bit upset" he says softly,coming over giving me a hug.
"Yeah bit nervous about the talk" I says quietly, I can tell he thinking about what I have just said. But then he sighs, I hope he understands now.
"Oh don't be, it can't be that bad... Let me get dressed in something comforty and I'll be back" he says kissing my lips as he get up and walks to the stairs.

Ollie POV:
I completely forgot about the big talk about our family tree and how I grew up. I feel quite bad, well this is going to awkward but I guess it got to be done. I go to my wardrobe and put on some black adidas joggers and a causal plain white top and walk down stairs. I can see zosia really nervous, it can't be bad as mine family. Let's say mine proper messed up but I'll tell zosia the absolute truth and I hope she won't leave me after this but I can't change the past. I sit next to her and put my hand on her thigh which calms her a little.
"Who going first"I say to her, hoping she will answer.
"I will". She replies, she takes a deep breath.
"Well.... As you know my mum poilsh so my mum side if the family live in Poland and they fell out with my mum because they don't like my d-dad..." She stutters.
"It okay, you can tell me" I smile.
"I talk to my untie Weronika and uncle Kamil... Ummm grandma Oliwia but the rest I don't talk too as much... I haven't seen them in 5 years now" I can see her getting tearful and I give her a hug.
"My dad side... I don't know anyone that why my mum side didn't like him because he had no family... So I grew up with my mum, dad and..."
"And..." I say give a weak smile to help her to say.
"And my s-s-sister Anna" she says starting to cry.
"Oh zos you don't have go on if you like" I says while kissing her top of her head.
"No no I have to talk about it... She had a massive argument with my dad after mum died and ran off to Poland to live there and I haven't spoke to her since... I guess that it" I smile to her.
"Well I guess it my go ayy... So it was me my mum , dad and sister.. My dad never like me because I nearly killed my mum at birth so he never talk to me like a human being but he did with penny... When I was 12 my dad went off on one and stab me 2 in the stomach before it was hitting me while no one could see but then he decide to stab me... So my mum left him he went to prison... I was in hospital for 4 weeks and than 14 my dad came out jail and found me and beat up really bad... I was in a c-coma for 5 months and my mum was in a physh ward for depression for year so me and penny had to live with my nans until mum was better but my dad found me again and stab me so me and my sister was took to safe care centre... Ummm my mum got us back move to holby when I was 15 with my step-dad they got married me and penny went to school , college then uni to be a doctor and then my sister died so yeah my life" I laughs but I can feel tears coming.

Zosia POV:
Oh my, I feel really stupid I thought my family life was bad. Ollie's is terrible.
"I'm so sorry Ollie,I feel really bad"
"Why do feel bad it not your falut" he says pulling me to a thight hug.
"But I thought my life was bad" I say crying again.
"Ayyy come on, you know the best thing it" he says.
"What?" I says confused.
"I got war scars" he laugh and he lift up his top to show me his toned body and 5 scars from being stab and having operations.
"I only you Oliver Valentine would say that" I laugh at him touch his scars.
"Do they hurt when I touch them" I say being so dum. He laughs.
"No of course not, it show I'm a MAN" he laughs even more. I kiss him lips.
Well it went bad in good way I suppose.

Zollie Oneshots ❤Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora