It's him!

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Ollie POV:
The whole hospital has been sent for a meeting and were all confused because there no meeting today, and jac being jac going mad because she got surgery what she done millions times before but we all got to go so she has to suck it up buttercup. I go in with zosia and Mo, were the last ones because we had to sort out cardiac arrest. Me and zosia had to sit at the front at this point I was being to get really nervous and I can tell zosia is aswel so I give a squeeze of reinsurance. Then hassen starts to talk.
"Well as you know I have call you for a meeting..."
"Well never I thought it was a party" jac sarcasticly as she cut of hassen sentence, I bit my lip so I won't laugh.
"Jac enough.... Anywhy we have a new/old physiatrist in and I know alot of you have problems with him but I hope you will be professional about it and get on he knows who he not allowed to talk to unless he have to and what not to do... Any questions" hassen says in his scary voice. Everyone confused about who it is but I got a good idea who it is.
"Who is it" Serena ask, obvious hassen has made this decision on his own as always.
"Mr.Valentine would you like to say" he say looking me and that has got more annoyed but I don't show it.. I think. At this point everyone is looking at me.
"No it's okay you can do it" he says trying to keep calm.
"Well... Dr.Sebastian Coulter is back..." At this point I've walked out, why on earth would he bring him back after what he did. I need to calm down.

Zosia POV:
Hassen just said Seb coming back, I can feel myself getting tearful but I hold them back.
"Why would bring back" my dad says raising his voice as he very angry with about what just happened.
"He not back for official but like I said I hope you can be professional about this... You all may leave" hassen states.
"What a prick"Jac says walking out. I can't help myself laugh at her comment.
"He more than prick he a di...." Dom was cut by seb walking in.
"What was that sorry I walking in to late" he says while an evil grin. I grab dom arm as I know he will hit him.
"Nothing just talking thank you" I say smiling out away from him with dom.
"Don't do anything stupid dom please" I beg him and give him pupy eyes.
"I won't but he he hurts you he getting it" he laugh kissing my cheek.
I see Issac I run up to him.
"Issac don't let dom do anything stupid please"
"I won't I'll keep an eye on him zosia" he says kissing my cheek. What with everyone kissing my cheeks today. I need to find Ollie he walked out when he heard seb back. I walk to Darwin's locker room and I see ollie sitting there looking very angry.
"Don't worry about him ols he probably just going to get you angry so you react and then you lose your job" I say softly while bending down looking at Ollie.
"I won't it just what he did to you what get me angry... Sorry" he says with some tears escaping. I wip them away way with my thumb.
"Please don't bring that up and there no need to apologies about it" I smile.
"Come on, jac in a mood and probably is getting angry because were not the ward" I laugh and he laugh back.
Still zosia POV:
Seb has been making evil looks and sarcastic comment towards me and ollie in front of patients but not in front of other doctors actually he been 'nice' to us. Ollie just laugh but I can tell all he wants to do is punch him. Seb walks in his office and I see ollie walking in aswel, I freeze what us he doing I quickly tell Mo who 'runs' to door more like a fast walk.
"Ollie come out now or I'll have to get hassen" Mo says, I panic she can't do that ollie will lose his job.
"I won't" she mouths to me.

Ollie POV:
"Well your brave coming in here" he smiles.
"Well your must proud to come back all smug like you run this place and your a king" I says back.
"But before you says anything with your squeaky voice what pisses me off, you will keep away from zosia or I'll make you pay... And yes that can be a threat and I don't care about my job, zosia is more important and before you make a sarcastic comment about what I just said then go for it but back off from her. No one likes you here so go away, pack your stuff and leave I'm sure it won't be me who makes you leave... And I hope your proud that you made me do this but I hope your ashamed of what you have done to her and I hope everyone who knows you disowned you" I says trying to not punch him but before he could say anything else I unlock the door and walk out I see zosia in tears and Jac and Mo with worried looks on there face.
"Don't worry I haven't done anything stupid yet" he smile and hug zosia, kiss her top of her head and take her to the staff room. She slaps my face.
"Do anything like that again and I will kill you... On my meds or not" she says being serious about me talking to seb on my own but I'm not sure about the killing me part.
"Ayyy he needed some warning, he can't come in here being the king of the castle" I smile trying to calm her down.
"In sorry about slapping you and I won't kill you I hate physics" she smiles.
"Oh not because you love me, you just don't want to see a physiatrists" I laugh.
"You know what I mean" she laughs back.

There will be a part 2 to this. What do you think seb done wrong?!? Comment!!

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