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Zosia POV:
It has been two years since Ollie disappeared, the police gave up looking for him. I miss him so much.

I have finished my shift. Thank god. I was on a double shift, it felt like years doing that shift. I can finally go home to see Ollie. I haven't heard him for ages, I did text him but he hasn't text back so he must be busy. I walk up to the door and unlock it.
"I'm home" I shout, I get no answer. I walk over to the kitchen to see a note;

To Zosia,
I need you to move on please, I will always love you but I need to go. I can't tell you why I have to go but you have to promise me you will find someone who loves you more then me and have a family with. Please don't do anything stupid.

Ollie xxx

End of flashback:

I walk into work, it hasn't been the same without him. I don't want to stay here anymore. I know he told me to move on how can you when you had his baby. Yes I was pregnant when he disappeared, I was going to tell him that I was two months gone, I remember the night like it was yesterday it was valentines day we got drunk went to the bedroom, well you know the rest but when I got there he was gone, left a note that didn't explain anything. It so hard being a single parent. Dom, jac and Mo been helping me but my little boy needs a father. My dad said he didn't want anything to do with him because he Ollie's kid. I have been struggling really bad with my bipolar but I have to keep strong for my boy. I walk into the locker room. I'm a hour later so jac not going to be impressed with me but she has been less hard on me, what always helpful. I open my locker to see three pictures; one of me and Ollie what we took at home, one of my little boy and another one of me, Ollie, dom, Arthur and morven, when we first got together and went back to mine. I've got changed into my scrubs.

Half way though my shift and this man smash into the ward demanding to see Ollie. Me and Mo trying to calm him down and keep tell him that he not here but he not having on of it.
"I saw him yesterday, we made a deal and didn't have the stuff" he shouts, what deal and he saw him yesterday, that means he alive!
"What going on here!" Jac storms out and comes to the nurses station.
"I want to see Oliver valentine now" he shouts back while pulling out a knife. I don't know what's going on.
"Put the knife away, we don't know where he is" Mo tries to convince him to stop putting our lives danger.
"So you know him" he half shouts before I could speak jac jumps in.
"No so can you leave" jac says but I can tell she scared. He starts to walks towards me until a man jumps in front of me and him.
"Chill man I'm here now... I got the stuff so let's go" I recognise that voice from anywhere. Its Ollie. Its him.
"No we can do it here... So here five grand where my stuff" he says as he brings lots of money out of his pocket.
"Not here mate" Ollie says nervously.
"No here now!" He shouts in Ollie face and pulls down his hood so we can all see its him now. Ollie looks at me then he brings out a see though bag with white powder in. Oh my god its drugs, he left me to be a drug dealer. REALLY! Some tears roll down my face.
"Now remember our other deal, if you don't do and what I say or go near that women you was with... I'll get her... What her name... Zoe no... Zosia ahh that it zosia, I'll kill her in front of your eyes understand" he smile evilly at Ollie. He turns around to walk of then he stops.
"I forgot something" he turns around and tries to stab me but Ollie jumps me front of it and gets stabbed. I just stand there in shock, he just been stabbed snap yourself to gave zosia. I go down to help but this man who stabbed Ollie stopped me.
"Don't go anywhere near him... I want all the drugs here and you can help him" he shout as he grabs Ollie and put the knife to his throat.
"Don't zosia" Ollie shouts.
"Oh this is the famous zosia... The one I've been looking for" he grins and walks close to me. Jac stands in front if me.
"Don't do anything stupid, I'll get you your drugs and you can leave" jac offers. He just shakes his head.
"New offer, I'll have zosia instead and then you can carry on doing your pathetic job" he says trying to grab me. I freeze, I don't know what I'm thinking or doing but I froze, I'm in so much shock. I break down. I've been holding this for so long and this has made it a lot worst. He finally grabs me by pushing jac over and smashes her head on the desk.
"So what am I going to do with you" he violently whispers in my ear. He gets pulled of me by Ollie who is now fighting him. Cara runs to me and pulls me away to safety. I watch Ollie on top of this man. I have to stop Ollie he's going to kill him. I run over to Ollie and drag him off him. I look him the eye and hold his face.
"I'm sorry" he cries. I just pull him to my lap and stroke his hair, what is now blonde.
"It's okay" I whisper in his ear.

It has been a few hours since the huge event happen Ollie has been in three surgery because of the damage of the drugs has done to him and the stab wound. Jac has been in surgery, I heard she will be okay. I'm sat next to ollie, when he wakes up I have to tell him a lot of information like he got a two years old boy. I hear coughing from Ollie, I stand up immediately to see his crystal blue eyes.
"W-what happened" he coughs.
"You had to go to surgery"
"Oh... Your not mad at me are you"
"No but..." I break down I don't know what to say
"Two years Ollie, two long years waiting for you and now your here in a hospital" he looks down at the bed.
"I had too they was going to kill you... I couldn't let that happen" I look out of the room to see cara with my little boy. I walk and pick him up.
"I need you to see someone is that okay?" He nods and smiles at me. I walk back in the room with Ollie and place HIS son on the bed.
"Zosh who this" I just give him the look and then I think he understands.
"I'm so sorry zosia" he grabs my hand.
"Tell him your name" I say to Joseph.
"My name is Joseph Matthew valewtine a-and I'm two wears old" he smiles at Ollie.
"Hello I'm your daddy" he smlies back. They look so like, the blue eyes, the jaw line and the dumbess of them both.
"I've got to go back to work so can you look after daddy for me" he nods. I kiss Joseph on the cheek and I kiss Ollie on the lips, he deepens the kiss but then we pull away by Joe making 'ew' sounds. Maybe wishes do cone true.

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