Chapter 1

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A wave of pain shot through the back of Thomas's head dragging him from his sleep. Looking around he noticed that he was in a white room. Nothing else was there but himself and four walls; 'how was I supposed to go the toilet?' he wondered to himself, 'am I going to die here of starvation?' The thought made his stomach shake like crazy. His head was bleeding. A drip of the red liquid hit the back of his neck. Thomas didn't remember hurting his head; someone must have come in but surely he would have woken up he thought bringing him to his next question. 'How long have I been asleep?'

He remembered about his telepathic connection with Teresa and instantly relaxed, talking to her always made him feel better. Her soothing voice filling his head was like a strong painkiller. He closed his eyes tight and formed the words and hoped it would reach her skull as fast as possible. He needed to talk.

"Teresa can you hear me" Thomas spoke softly scared his sudden burst of panic would frighten her.

"Tom?" A delicate but strong voice arose from the silence. It was her sleepy voice, the voice she had when she had just woken up. She's always the last awake and would just sit there for a few minutes just coming to herself rubbing her eyes with her hair in a mess. The mental picture made him smile.

"Sorry if i woke you" Thomas whispered. Glad to see she was safe.

"No, it's fine do you know where we are?" She croaked a little at the end.

"No idea but my rooms just white and nothing else is here" Thomas was again filled with confusion looking at how he got in here, there must be a way of getting out or else he couldn't have gotten in.

"That's the same with me, if we are in here for more than a day I swear i'll go insane!" Teresa yawned in a frustrated tone. Thomas doubted that she would go insane because if nothing they'd seen so far had caused them an extreme amount of distress then sitting in a white room should  be child's play. Thomas wondered how long they would be in here for. They can't just keep us in here Thomas thought. 

"You should get some sleep Teresa, i'll be here in anything happens just get some rest." Thomas spoke in a relaxing tone. Teresa didn't need to reply for Thomas to know she was going to go back to sleep. Now Thomas just has to try keep himself awake. Awful memories of when he dozed through her call of distress haunted him so much it was easy to ignore the fatigue building up in his drooping eyelids. 

Thomas just sat there as the hours dragged on, pacing the room was a time passer he found himself doing. It was then he realised it is very possible to go insane in this place; maybe that is WICKED's intentions. The hours just kept moving on before a loud crack infused the air. The white wall to his left shook before lifting up from the floor and slowly sinking into the roof. During the process the cracks continued in a pattern; one, two, three, crack and so on. Thomas watched closely at what was on the other side. A long white corridor arose from under the wall. A sofa on each side and a green plant to the far side of them. He slowly stood up keeping his eyes intently on the door at the end of the corridor. Nothing came. 

"Teresa!" Thomas whispered with an urgent tone. He couldn't feel her presence remembering the feeling from before the scorch trials was easy and panic hit him just like before. They might be doing something to her. No way would she ignore Thomas so he reached out to Aris. 

"Aris!" Thomas spoke this time in an urgent and panicked voice. He didn't feel his presence but he could never feel his presence properly anyway. Almost instantly he got a reply. 

"Thomas we gotta get out of here!" Aris shouted while panting which gave Thomas the impression he was either running or taking a panic attack. It was only a couple of seconds before Thomas had reached the door at the end of the corridor. His legs were hurting from sitting so long. He swung open the door...    

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