Chapter 2

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Behind the door he saw five figures laughing. Thomas jolted back letting his eyes adapt to the blinding lights to make out the figures. "Hey shuckface!" A deep voiced roared while laughing. Minho.

"Minho, are you alright?" Thomas spoke in a fast and panicked voice which seemed to cause more laughter. Thomas was confused, why were they laughing?

"Tommy, you are so gullible!" Newt arose from the group also laughing his head off.

Thomas could make out the people in front of him clearly now. Minho, Newt, Aris, Jorge and Frypan. Where was Teresa, Brenda, Harriett and Sonja? "What are you talking about we need to go! Aris you warned me!" Thomas was shouting now with frustration. 

"Dude, calm yourself we are here to have lunch! I was kidding it was a joke!" Aris put on a calming voice and patted his shoulder which was quickly brushed away. 'That was some sick joke!' Thomas thought to himself; he started to get angry and they all noticed as Newt, Aris and Jorge looked like they felt guilty, Frypan looked confused and Minho was still finding it all a joke. Typical Minho.

"Dude, your face!" Minho said bursting with laughter again. Thomas just got more frustrated and very embarrassed about being the cause of their laughing. 

"Do you know how panicked I was? I was going to come and find you and get you guys out of here! Above that I have lost my telepathic connection with Teresa and I thought something had happened to her!" I shout in their smug faces. Aris and Newt lowered their heads in shame. 

"We're sorry, we thought you would find it funny." Newt and Aris say in sync. Frypan and Jorge just nod in agreement. Minho just stands there with a small smirk. I give him a dirty look and he raises his eyebrows in shock. 

"Do you have a problem with me?" Minho snaps. 

"Yes, yes I do!" Thomas spits huffing. Minho's smirk grows.

"Then please, right it on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope, fold it neatly and shove it up your ass!" Minho laughs. Thomas was about to start laughing but bites the inside of his gums remembering he's angry at Minho.

"Where's the girls?" Thomas finds himself asking after an awkward minute of silence. 

"They were taken to a different meal room, they are all OK, don't worry I made sure they were all good." Newt replies making me calm down. That still doesn't explain why he lost the telepathic connection with Teresa. He tries to call out to her again.

"Teresa, can you hear me?" Thomas speaks through his mind. Nothing comes. Maybe Aris can talk to her.

"Hey Aris try reaching out to Teresa." I say rather loudly but nobody in the lunch room heard me because we are still squashed up in the corridor. Aris nods and shuts his eyes.


"Teresa, can you hear me it's Aris" Aris whispers. No answer comes. He tries harder.

"Teresa!" He is shouting now, desperate for her to hear him. Nothing comes. 

He looks up at Thomas, "I'm getting nothing. Sorry." Aris says. Breaking the silence. Minho puts his head in his hands. 

"Great, they have probably been tampering with her head, lets go find her." he says lifting his head from his hands. Everyone is on board except from Jorge.

"Lets just stay here, she will be fine. We can't risk walking about this place looking for just one girl." He argues. Thomas looks annoyed, probably at Jorge saying 'just one girl'. 

"OK, then stay here but we are looking for her, she's our best friend and these people have tampered with our minds before and we ain't gonna let it happen again." Thomas snaps. Jorge shakes his head. 

"As long as we go to find Brenda." Jorge stands up tall to make himself the same size as Thomas. Thomas nods. 

"If we have to." Minho sighs.


Teresa's head throbs violently. She find herself lying in a bed. The room is small. The bed is facing the door. A small table is to her left and next to the door on both sides taking up most of the wall is computers, stacks of paper, bottles and needles...

'I don't like needles' Teresa thinks to herself. She doesn't remember being brought to this room or why she is there. Her first instinct is calling out to Thomas, she tries out loud first. "Tom?" Her voice croaks and is barely audible. At least she can try telepathically. 

"Tom, are you there?" She whispers in a soft tone. A faint whispers climbs from the back of her skull, She can't make out what's being said but it is the clear voice of a man. Very distinctive Russian accent. As it gets louder she begins to make out what the voice is saying. The same words being repeated over and over again. Vibrating against her skull until the man starts screaming so loud she worries it will break her eardrums but instead it gives her a splitting headache, clutching the sides of her head with her hands she tries to block out the screaming man. Her palms start sweating at she thinks over the words the man is repeating... 

"Don't trust WICKED, run! Get your friends and go! Run!"

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