Chapter 24

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Brenda, Jorge and Harriet ran quickly down the station as the bus approached, hoping they would make it before it left again; Jorge frantically waved his arms in the air trying to attract the drivers attention. Time was Jorge's main priority and if they didn't catch this bus they would lose a lot of time and a lot of time wasted would cause the plan to malfunction. 

Jorge trusted Jack, Teresa, Frypan and Aris to be left alone in the house and stay out of trouble, Jorge knew they were only going to be a few hours but a few hours was enough for those kids to bring an uprising to the whole of South America. Harriett yelled as the driver was about to pass the stop they were running to reach, the driver caught sight of them from her left wing mirror and slowed the massive vehicle to a stop, waiting patiently for them to aboard. Jorge didn't delay and ran to the bus and climbed in, his chest was sore from running after the bus, Brenda dragged herself onto the bus clutching her side, Jorge guessed she had a stitch, Brenda was always an athletic girl but she hadn't run in quite a while and her muscles had tightened up. The driver was a middle aged women with long auburn hair and grey, glossy eyes. She didn't smile or even seem to acknowledge them at all until they passed the money over, looking down she counted the coins in her head before scooping them into her hand and dropping them in her tray and waited until the ticket printed fully. Jorge stuck his hand in his pocket counting by the quantity and size how much money he had left, Jack was left money by the right arm safely tucked away under his bed and if he hadn't remembered everything about the right arm, they wouldn't have found it and would have no money.

Handing over the ticket Jorge, Brenda and Harriett went to find a seat, whispers from the bus quickly arose about Harriett being in the maze. Two women stood up ushering their seats to Harriett and Brenda, sitting down Jorge stands next to them. WICKED made sure the bus' only had one transfer, to the very South of Argentina all the way to the middle of Brazil. If anyone needed to go to Northern parts of Brazil, Bolivia, Peru or Ecuador; walking was the only option. WICKED cut of access to Mexico and the United States by building a palace full of cranks on the borders of Columbia to scare people off. Jorge knew what Mexico was like. Scorch.

The bus moved quickly, every building turning into a long grey tunnel as their eyes strained to focus on the individual structures while the palm trees looked like a messy painting an infant would make with green paint as the blur spread around Jorge's vision. 


Aris was letting his stress build until it was at breaking point, he needed the space. Everything about Sonja betraying them to WICKED, Thomas and the guys being in jail and Teresa willingly walking into WICKED. Aris had the feeling something would go wrong in this plan but kept his mouth shut.

The air was hot and heavy when he walked outside, the streets were full of people getting prepared for the carnival, Aris felt bad for them; he crossed his fingers tightly hoping nobody will get hurt during their badly organised plan. 

Aris turned to the selfish and scared side of himself as he thought of Thomas' reaction to letting Teresa walk into WICKED on her own, at the least he was getting a punch in the nose. 

 Aris watched as girls coated their hair in neon feathers which reminded Aris of a halo, men placed bright coloured top hats on their heads firmly while straightening their vibrant jackets with tassels on the sleeves. Decorations painted the town in blues, greens, golds etc. 

The carnival was only one day away which meant only one day till they faced WICKED again. Aris found himself recklessly walking down alleys as he tried desperately to unscrambled his thoughts, questions about him broke out around him as he lifted his head; he tried to ignore them but failed. 

Turning around ten men faced him loaded with double barrel rifles, extra ammunition lay strapped around their belts, Aris noticed every gun pointed at him; navigating his gaze up the barrel he saw the gunman's thumb preparing to cock the gun, Aris moved his attention to the mans uniform. 


"Sir, you're going to have to come with us." The man on the left said using his hand to point in the direction of the van pulling up in the alley full of people.  Aris caught sight of terrified mothers pushing their stunned children behind them, people slowly backing away, everyone was silent; the only thing Aris could hear was his heart causing a throb in his ears and the sounds of the balcony windows shutting quickly at the sight of the weaponry. 

Aris didn't hesitate as he spun round and pushed his legs, running as fast as he could out of the alley. Night was falling, Aris found it hard to see, it got more busy as the sun dropped, the floats that blocked areas of the highway lit up in bright colours. Crackles of a microphone erupted in the air with a voice trailing behind it.

"I would like to welcome everyone to this years annual Rio Carnival!" An American man yelled, Aris couldn't see the man but his voice resembled Thomas', very American and husky. Chants and screams started as the music came on. As if the music was a switch, everyone piled out from the shadows as the spotlights came on. Aris was crushed with people all around him. Pushing people out of the way he  found the open lane of the highway where a woman was coming out of a matte black Audi. As the woman exited her car Aris came running to her, he could see she instantly recognised him. 

"I need your car!" He screamed over the music. The woman caught sight of the gunmen only metres away now and nodded.

"We've been waiting for this! Quickly get in!" She yelled slamming the keys into Aris' chest. Diving into the drivers seat he witnessed the first actions of the native rebels.

"Ambush!" The woman yelled, in an instant over 100 people jumped the guards, Aris watched in awe as people ordered themselves on the curb lining half of the car while the others fought off Aris' attackers. They were protecting him. The man at the front of the line turned to face Aris in the window and pointed out into the highway.

"GO GO GO!" He yelled. Aris obeyed and started up the car, thankfully it was automatic, he didn't actually know how to drive.   


Teresa got tired of waiting around and decided to head to WICKED early.

"No please wait till they come back!" Frypan pleaded while Jack nodded frantically behind him. Turning away she walked out the door breaking into a jog. Teresa didn't know where the WICKED head quarters were but crossing the road she came up with an idea. 

The van pulled up at the sight of her as multiple people piled out the back followed by a woman with a frost white jacket and a tight blonde bun. Teresa pinched herself to make her eyes glossy before walking up to Ava while purposely straining her muscles bringing over a shivering effect. 

Ava looked satisfied at the sight of one of her 'subject' approaching her in distress which made Teresa feel sick. 

"Now what would a young girl be doing out in the streets of Rio on her own?" Ava mocked like she was talking to a toddler. Teresa bit her bottom lip to stop herself screaming in Ava's face. 

"I give up OK? You won. They left me all alone, I have nowhere to go." Teresa stammered shutting her eyes tight to bring over the effect of more tears. Ava grinned.

"We'll take care of you." She said in a soothing tone while ushering her into the van.

"Distract Teresa, distract them." Teresa whispered to herself as she entered the van full of armed guards and Ava Paige. 



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