Chapter 15

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A/N: I always say this but I do not own his picture, it was on google images so i'm not just finding photos of people houses LOL. 

Thomas kept his eyes fixed on the mans hands for any quick movements. Nothing came, Thomas couldn't take it anymore, was this man planning to kill them all? Thomas sat up waiting for the man to stress, instead he just smiled; Thomas studied the mans smile for any signs, a pure genuine smile is all he found.

'I'm being paranoid. I'm sleep deprived and stressed.' He thought calming himself down, He felt a a hand clasp clutch his shoulder. Minho.

"You alright man?" He said in a concerned tone, all Thomas was thinking about was that WICKED was always one step ahead of him; anytime he thought he was safe they would be there. Laughing at his sense of protection, taking it away from him. 

"They... They rule this place. WICKED." Thomas stuttered, Thomas sensed Minho looking around. 

"Yeah well we can think about that later, for now we're stopping." Teresa replied standing up; the bus was coming to a stop at a house. The outside was a cream coloured, it had two floors, Brenda and Jorge were the first off followed by Aris, Frypan, Harriett and Sonja.


Teresa worried about Thomas, he was acting so stressed all of a sudden. She too had seen the sign stating WICKED ran everything here but she brushed it off, seeing Thomas stressed was hard, he didn't need all this pressure. Walking off the bus she turned to Thomas.

"Hey, Tom, look you really need to try and relax." She said to him. Nodding was his only response. Thomas approached the door. It was a pale blue, walking inside it was amazing. Minho and Frypan were already comfortably sitting on the dark brown leather sofa.

"We are only renting this place until we get rid of WICKED." Jorge shouted as Aris started raiding through the DVD's and books. Aris spun round and shrugged. Teresa was always so confused at how laid back Aris was considering everything happening. 

"When were you planning on telling us WICKED ran this whole shuck country?" Thomas snapped taking Jorge be surprised. Jorge turned to Thomas almost disgusted. 

"I didn't know for sure and would you mind not speaking to a grown man like that?" Jorge shot back quicker than a second. Brenda started whispering in Jorge's hear, all Teresa could hear was something like 'calm down OK?' 

'Bang, click, click, click... Bang, click, click, click etc.' Ran through Teresa's head like a hammer was being hit off an anvil at the ticking of a clock. Every four seconds the bang erupted sending a shiver down her. 'I'm going insane!' Teresa thought panicking. She turned to her right and the banging stopped although the faint clicking noises stayed with her. Turning to the left the banging began again; walking forward they got louder, 'it's leading me somewhere' she decided.

"Hey are you alright?" Harriett's voice stopped her in her tracks, even her trying a nodding motion would put her off track. Walking out the doorway into the long, painting filled hallway the noise directed her up the stairs, the stairway curved to the right. The floor was wooden and every step made a noise, Thomas was right behind her, almost touching her back, his breath tickled the back of her neck. 

The upstairs hallway was the exact same as the bottom, only slightly wider, the banging went off every 3 seconds now and was counting down. The room to her left was the room she was supposed to be in; thankfully Thomas didn't ask any questions, for such a curious boy he never pushed answers from his friends. Swinging open the door a young man sat on a bed, Teresa didn't bother looking at the interior or the room, she was too preoccupied on the man. He looked about 20 with scruffy blonde hair and thick eyebrows, his smile was infectious but Teresa kept her face steady and emotionless. 

"Finally we meet. My names Jack." The boy exclaimed in a very Russian accent. 

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