Chapter 27

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Jorge steered towards the helicopter while switching some random coloured buttons. Brenda recognised some of the controls Jorge was pushing, the bright red one to his left which he pushed first stops the jet engines and puts the berg into what's called 'invisible flight' . WICKED called it that because back when the flare was just spreading they hunted down camps for any immune children, adults protected their offspring and would attack the bergs before they could even land so WICKED created 'invisible flight'  so they could come at night without the natives feeling the engines blowing onto their faces. 

"Why are you putting it on invisible flight?" Brenda asked. Jorge ignored her at first and continue flicking switches.

"If we are going anywhere near them we don't want to knock Thomas off the helicopter now do we?" Jorge replied not breaking eye contact with the helicopter ahead. Harriett walked out the cockpit, directed her attention to the transvices. Brenda followed her making sure she didn't make any mistakes and zap herself into non-existence.

"We need to go now." Harriett snapped standing up and jogging back to the cockpit with elbows digging into her stomach to support the weight of the transvice held tightly in her hands. Brenda stopped at the box of lethal weapons and hesitated before picking up a gun, straining her muscles to keep control of the killing machine. 

Brenda followed on Harriett's heels back into the small cockpit, Harriett had her gaze locked on a certain area to the right of the helicopter, Brenda already knew that whoever else was in that helicopter would not be able to see what was happening without being directed. 

"Call the pilot!" Jorge yelled, Brenda reacted instantly, she had been raised to obey and act fast. A walkie talkie lay in a tray on the dashboard, picking it up Brenda pressed the touchscreen and lines of stations appeared on the small screen. Squinting at the sudden burst of light Brenda pressed connect and waiting for the helicopters connection.

Right arm. 78 metres away from your current location... Would you like to connect?

"Yes" Brenda said in a clear voice into the screen. The screen lit up as she gained contact with the others. Brenda just hoped they would get the message before it was too late. 

"Come on connect!" Harriett shouted into the device, Brenda frowned angrily at Harriett.

"Calm down!" Brenda snapped back. Harriett looked over at her in shock.

"We have no idea what WICKED is planning to do there with them but whatever it is someone is going to get badly hurt OK? I don't even know what they are doing on that statue anyway!" Harriett yelled directing her attention to the endangered people cornered on the top of the most dangerous places in Rio. They were stood on the top of Christ The Redeemer.

A/N: Sorry it is short but I really wanted a cliff hanger so here you go x

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