Chapter 19

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Thomas woke up to blinding light in his eyes, opening his eyes he realised it must be late morning. 'Did I sleep in?' Thomas asked himself; sounds from downstairs entered his ears. Minho of course.

"Get your own food slinthead!" He shrieked. Thomas laughed to himself.

"Minho want to just shut up!" He heard Teresa shout back, Thomas mind caught on to what happened last night, he didn't know whether to be happy or embarrassed. After a minute or two he realised he felt happy and a little embarrassed. Thomas' feet hit the cold wooden floor as he rubbed his eyes, thankfully he didn't have any more nightmares after Teresa came in to his room. 

Thomas dragged himself to the shower, he didn't feel like doing anything but he stank so much he felt bad for Teresa the night before. The shower was modern, everything was with buttons; Thomas got a shock at how the water was instantly steaming hot, it was getting him clean but not helping his sunburn. There were two showers in the house, one for the girls and one for the boys. Sitting on a small glass shelf attached to the door of the shower 'box' was a bottle of men's lynx shower gel. Thomas washed his body and hair before rinsing himself with cold water. His dark brown hair was getting lighter due to the sun. Looking in the bathroom mirror Thomas noticed the starts of a beard, it wasn't touching his chin it only grew below his chin almost looking like a shadow (picture above). Thomas knew he needed to shave but he couldn't find the energy to do so. After getting dried he trudged down the stairs meeting Newt at the bottom with a grin of his face. 

"Your up late." He laughed Thomas didn't even have the energy to even talk so him sticking his tongue seemed better than words anyway. Walking into the living room he sat on the sofa with his feet up. Jack walked through with half a strip of bacon hanging from his mouth. Thomas was slightly disturbed as a drop of grease splattered onto the laminate floor. 

"Someone looks tired." Jack said, Thomas ignored him; Teresa walked in with a glass full of what looked like apple juice.

"That's my fault, I still feel bad about that." She said, a yawn escaping her mouth halfway through the sentence. Thomas smiled.

"Don't be sorry, you stopped me from having a nightmare too." He laughed. Brenda and Aris came walking through. Brenda holds a plate, her hands shake slightly. 

"Brenda you alright?" Thomas questions. Brenda has her eyes fixed on the plate. 

"Frypan made food, I was bringing it to you and it's hot." She groaned, Thomas lunged forward and gently took the plate from her. 

"Thanks madam." He mocks in a posh voice earning a laugh from Brenda and she comes to sit down. 

"Your most welcome sir." She replied pushing Thomas legs out the way before crashing beside him. 

"I heard you guys are getting arrested" Aris laughs breaking the silence. Thomas suddenly remembered about getting arrested. Teresa's face instantly changed for the worse. 

"You're getting arrested?!" She shouts, Thomas gives a glare at Aris who shows the peace sign with his fingers and walks out the room. Thomas gulped. 

"Yeah." He mumbled. Jack ate the rest of his bacon in one mouth full.

"So is Newt and Minho actually." Jack commented. Teresa walked out the room. Thomas looked down at his plate for the first time to see a fried egg. three strips of bacon. two sausages and a slice of toast, Thomas began eating while Jack walked out the room leaving Thomas and Brenda. 

"Sonja, Harriett and Jorge went out somewhere hopefully they will be back soon." Brenda said filling in the noises of Minho humming away to something in the kitchen. 

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