Chapter 8

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Thomas still kept hold of Teresa who was physically shaking, he had no idea what was wrong with her but now wasn't the time to ask, all he cared about was getting everyone out of here. 

"I'm fine...Tom I... can...walk myself" Teresa spluttered while her teeth were chattering. Thomas just hoped it was a side affect of the injection. All this just made him more angry at Janson.

"You can barely stand OK just hold on i'll get you out of here." Thomas shouted over the alarm. He had his left arm behind her back gripping her waist and his right arm cutting across her front, holding her shoulder like a seat belt stopping her from falling. 


Janson was furious, he had let his best subjects slip through his fingers. He was listening to the conversations of his guards through radio and none of them could find a couple of teenagers. He had an idea. It was dangerous but he had to try it to have any chance of getting them back in line, Janson knew that if he didn't try, Thomas would get out into the open and Janson feared Thomas so the idea of not knowing his plans or where he was scared Janson. He knew what Thomas was capable of. The plan he had would not only get Thomas and the others back in his hands but also teach them a lesson to not mess with WICKED. 

"All WICKED employees, place your masks on now!" Janson yelled into a table top microphone. He reached down and placed on his mask, An ugly white cover that resembled a fencing mask but with glass on the front and a tiny filtered hole at the top. Ava Paige stood behind him and slipped on a mask of her own. Janson turned to the women who simply nodded, Janson hovered his hand above a small switch with a warning sign above it. He flicked the switch. 


The alarm stopped within a matter of seconds, Thomas knew this wasn't a good sign. They were out and running through corridors. Guards were just running past them; they had masks on, Thomas didn't like the look of this. Thomas had let go of Teresa at this point because she had regained her balance, she could even talk without stuttering. Minho turned a corner and stopped. His eyes showed terror and confusion. 

"The vents!" He yelled. Thomas looked up searching before finally he caught sight of a vent, there was something in it. It was almost as if someone was smoking a cigarette at the door of the vent. The little bit of pale grey smoke began to develop into a cloud of smoke, getting larger and larger. 

"Everybody run!" Newt shouted. Everyone obeyed and ran towards Minho who now held the neck of his shirt up to his nose. Thomas did the same and pulled his shirt up until it covered his nose. He kept his head down and ran. Jorge ran over to Newt and grabbed Brenda out of his arms burying her head into his chest. Thomas stayed at the back to make sure nobody got left behind. Thomas ran past bodies lying on the floor, he knew they weren't dead from the lifts in their chests, just unconscious. Thomas and the others ran into this huge warehouse as big as a aeroplane hanger. The gas now covered every inch of the corridors but didn't go near the warehouse they were in. Thomas looked back in the corridors and saw the gas turning yellow, it then gradually turned orange. A loud bang split the air causing everyone to stop and look back into the corridor they were just in. The smoke turned to fire. 

"Run!" Thomas yelled backing up and spinning around. The crackling of the deadly element chasing them into the warehouse. The warehouse had open plan levels where gunmen stood just watching them. Thomas felt uneasy that these people were practically letting them go. Bergs covered the space in the middle. Jorge knew how to fly bergs. 

"Open the helipad, i'm getting us out of here!" Jorge screeched. Before any action could be taken the gunmen started shooting at them. It was clear to Thomas they were just waiting for a reason to start shooting them. 'These gunmen must have a reasonable clear conscious, only kill if they plan to steal a berg even if they are no threat to your safety at all' Thomas thought. Must be a moral WICKED guard code.

"Pathetic" He muttered to himself. 

The shots became open fire. The fire was pouring from the corridor. Thomas grabbed both Teresa and Aris by the elbows and dragged them behind a berg for safety. Minho, Newt and Frypan were hiding behind a berg to Thomas' left. He had no idea where Jorge and Brenda were. 

"Why are they shooting at us? They need us" Aris shouted over the gunfire. This one was question Thomas knew the answer to.

"Because they're slintheads" Thomas replies. He notices that the fire is crawling towards oil tanks which he presumes is for the bergs. 

"Guys we gotta go now!" Thomas yelled. A blinding light shines down from above, Thomas looks up to see a two panels slowly opening to the outside world, the helipad. Thomas got up to see Minho and Newt crouched over running into the door to the berg. Thomas followed. Jorge was at the door ushering everyone in. 

"Thomas is that everyone?!" Jorge shouts at him when he enters. Thomas counts everyone in the space of three seconds and nods. 


Jorge runs to the cockpit where a million buttons lays out in front of him, he sits down and flicks various switches and the aircraft jolts and lifts off the ground. 

"Operation GO!" He yells to everyone in the back. 


Janson sees all the action going on through a small computer screen. 

"Switch of fire gas." Janson yells as various people run to computer screens and switch boards obeying the mans order. He is brought to a screen where a berg is slowly lifting off the ground, Janson instantly knew Thomas had something to do with it. 

"All assets to berg hanger! Shut the helipad!" He yells grinning at the screen as the only exit for Thomas begins to close.  


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