Chapter 7

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Thomas saw WICKED guards running about trying to gather people up. He knew they had to get out of here before anyone saw them. Thomas turned around quickly. He stopped suddenly, Teresa wasn't there. Brenda was looking up at him confused. Thomas' heart started beating faster and faster. 'Where was she?' he thought. He had an urge just to drop Brenda where she was and run to look for her but he knew better than throwing an injured person on the floor. In stead he grasped her tightly and started running through the crowd yelling. 

"Teresa!" He yelled every five seconds. Nothing came. His imagination started running wild. 'Was she taken again, did Minho find her, did she run off?' He thought all of these things lingering more on the did she run off option; he didn't really know why he thought something like that. She would never run from him.


Minho and Newt came across a room with mostly girls in it screaming over the alarm. They ran inside and started looking through the crowd. They spotted Thomas and ran over to him spotting the limp but conscious girl in his arms. Thomas didn't look right at all. He was running around with a face like someone had just killed his whole family which made Minho shiver. Thomas spotted them both and ran over taking short breaths like he was having a panic attack.

"I lost her guys! Where is she?!" He yelled in their faces. Both Minho and Newt were confused.

"Lost who?" Minho shouted back. Thomas seemed agitated at him asking the question.

"Teresa, she was behind me and now she's gone. I only turned around for like two seconds!"

Newt look strangely mad. "Anyone could get swept away in a matter of seconds Tommy! You shouldn't have turned around!" He yelled. Thomas didn't answer.


Teresa wasn't fully unconscious, she just needed someone to wake her up. (Side affect of the injection.) After maybe five minutes a girl came running her way trying to jump over her but failed the estimate of the jump length and kicked Teresa square in the face waking her up.

"What where am I?" She stuttered. She winced at the pain in her head. Remembering running away, she climbed up ignoring the pain. She felt her eye where the girls heel caught; it was puffy already. Black eye. The pain was mostly in her legs and face. 

Running through the crowd was horrible. She hated the pain in her legs, killing her every step and the swelling around her left eye was cocooning around the socket narrowing her left area sight to a pinpoint. She was depending on her high pain thresh hold and her right eye but she was up and ready to find the others. 


They were running through the crowd, Thomas was looking for Teresa, Aris, Frypan and Jorge. 'This was getting way to difficult' Thomas thought. Minho kept on running in different directions but with Newt's tight grasp on Minho shirt, they kept him straight. 


Aris and Frypan couldn't find the door, it was full of girls screaming. All they knew was this was the centre of the building so everybody had to be here. Hopefully. All corridors lead to this room.

"Dude, look it's Jorge!" Frypan shouted to Aris. They both ran over to him. Jorge looked over the moon to see them both.

"I can't find Bren! Help me!" He shouted. All three were completely unaware that Thomas had already found Brenda. 


Teresa was running around looking for Thomas, she knew that Thomas will by worrying. Teresa started to feel bad but she really needed out of this room. The Russian man had stopped yelling but she was still in her panic zone. It all stopped in a matter of seconds when she saw Minho spinning his head round looking for someone, he looked worried and was obviously panicking, it showed all over his face. 

It was painful but she broke out into a jog, running towards the comfort of one of her best friends. 

"Minho!" she yelled over the noise. Minho spun his head round and it looked like the panicking had instantly stopped then it hit her he was looking for her which meant he knows where Thomas is. 

"Teresa! OK! Thomas I found her!" He yelled looking beside him. Newt arose first along with Thomas with Brenda in his arms. 

"Teresa! What the? Where'd you go!" Thomas yelled anger in his face. Teresa stuttered she had to tell him the truth.

"I can't stay in this room, I can't take it, my head!" Was all Teresa could muster. She was about to say about the Russian man when he stopped by with a new message,

Don't tell.


I'm watching.

Panic arose in her face. Spinning around she looked for anybody who could be the man. He was watching her and that scared her to death. 

"Teresa! What happened to your eye?" Newt asked. Teresa didn't answer. A loud whistle started blowing, nobody seemed fazed around her, it was in her head. She covered her ears trying to stop the noise even though she knew it wouldn't work. 

"Guys move, Teresa!" Thomas ran forward, passing Brenda over to Newt who wasn't prepared for a girl to be tossed to him and almost dropped her. Thomas wrapped his arms around Teresa stopping her from falling. Teresa could make out him whispering into her ear.

"SShhh, calm down. Don't panic." He was gently whispering not letting go.


"Hey guys, I found Aris, Frypan and Jorge!" Harriet came from the distance followed by Sonja, Aris, Frypan and Jorge. We were all together again.


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