Chapter 25

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^ Picture of how busy the Carnival is, I don't own this image. WARNING- Violence.


The car was going at an immense speed, WICKED's van following closely behind; Aris dodged both WICKED's bullets aimed at his wheels and the stray groups of mostly teenagers walking over the highways. Aris looked to see Christ the Redeemer statue was lit up as it stood graciously on the hill tops. Aris relaxed a little; the samba music was so loud as the dancers took place all over the city. Aris knew the fight was starting now. The car was swaying to the side, the WICKED van was approaching to the left of him, looking down he noticed he was going at 90 mph. Black hills enclosed him to the roads, a blinding white light penetrated through the darkness to his left. Headlights. A WICKED van flew out from behind the low hills, Aris sped forward to malfunction it's attack plan but it headed for the WICKED van behind him; the van was going to fly over Aris car and hit the WICKED van behind him. As the van found it's way directly above him he noticed a figure jumping from the drivers seat. As the figure fell nothing but a small bump was all he heard from the roof, whoever it was they knew how to land safely. 

A hand banged on the window for refuge, rolling down the window a pair of small, thin legs instantly swung into the passenger seat followed by the rest of her body. 

Teresa stuck her head out the window as the car hit. Aris pushed his foot down moving the car up to 130 mph. Aris could see blinding orange in his wind screen mirror followed by a thick black. 

"What are you doing here! You're supposed to distract WICKED!" Aris yelled, Teresa stuck her head back in the window.

"So blowing up Ava Paige is not a good enough distraction for you?"  


Jack worried why Aris wasn't back yet, he was only supposed to be an hour. Him and Frypan just paced the room, waiting for any signs of them or Jorge. The sound of a door being kicked open stopped Jack's thoughts instantly. 7 people ran into the living room; Jack instantly recognised them. The right arm. 

"We gotta move now! It's a Civil War!" Vince yelled, Vince was one of the leaders.

"Hey Fry." A young boy said standing next to Vince, Jack didn't know this guy but seeing Frypan's face he guessed he was from the maze or something.

"Gally?!" He shouted. The boy named Gally smiled at Frypan; Jack had been told about Gally, that he ran into the maze to be killed by grievers but ended up killing a 12 year old boy. Vince turned and ran out the house, Jack followed.

"We've got 150 foot soldiers circling the WICKED perimeter and 3 air forces above us right now." Vince said. Jack looked up to see huge red helicopters in the black night sky. Before Jack could talk Vince directed him to look at the Christ The Redeemer statue and coming from the behind it was WICKED helicopters flying in. They were outnumbered as 10 helicopters entered Rio.

"We gotta get to Thomas!" Jack yelled to Vince, Jack could feel the force of the propellers pushing him back. Frypan ran out along with Gally and the other 5 men armed with shotguns. Crouching down Jack reached the sliding door of the helicopter and jumped in. The back was full of people. Vince waited outside till everyone was in then gave a thumbs up to the pilot before climbing in. Nobody closed the door as the vehicle lifted, Vince was practically hanging outside of it watching below.

The jail was close by but they couldn't risk running from below because the lights, music and crowds could easily take away the thought of armed predators above your head. 

Two ropes was brought from the top rim of the door, Vince nodded to Jack and Frypan, jack knew exactly what to do. The helicopter was about 50 metres off the ground, grasping the rope he prepared himself for the drop. 

"GO!" Vince yelled after Frypan had gotten himself into position. A sudden blast of air hit Jack's face as the rope dropped at about 50 miles per hour, slowing down gradually before letting their feet gently touch the concrete. Vince came down with two other people Jack didn't know. Running into the jail they were soon consumed with police officers. Vince pulled out a gun and aimed it at the sheriff. Bang.

Jack jumped at the sudden violence, the alarms went off in the police station. Jack headed for the door swinging it open, jail cells lay on each side of him. 


Blasts hit down the hallway cracking open his jail cell, at the shared lunch time him, Newt and Minho talked to about 200 criminals and got them all to help. Running out into the cramped corridor full of smoke he ran to meet Jack and Frypan, one man wore a jacket stating he was from the right arm. Thomas nodded to the man and turned his attention to only two of his friends. 

"Where's the others!" He shouted. Frypan looked uncomfortable considering he knew Thomas hated everyone being split up.

"Jorge, Harriett and Brenda went to get the berg, Aris is missing and Teresa's in WICKED." Jack answered, Frypan backed away slowly as Thomas' face changed instantly.

"WHAT?!" He yelled. 

"It was her decision! She wanted to make a distraction." Jack shouted, Thomas' face still showed the same panic and anger. 

"And you were OK with this?" He yelled, nobody replied. Thomas ran past them and out the heavy door into the station lobby, he headed for the main door followed by Minho and Newt. Thomas squinted at the neon light covering the city. Thomas was pushed back by the propellers of a helicopter. A man ran out and came towards Thomas.

"Gally?!" Minho yelled, Thomas ran forward but was stopped by Newt. 

"I promise i'm on your side, they were controlling me to kill Chuck please trust me i know where she is!" Gally yelled. Thomas stopped instantly.

"She's not with WICKED, we have air views of her blowing up a WICKED vehicle and jumping onto a car which Aris Jones is driving, they are heading down the highway in pursuit." he yelled. 

"We can take you there!" Gally shouted pointing to the helicopter. Minho and Newt were already running towards the aircraft before Thomas could make up his mind. 


He finally put on his seat belt as they entered Rio, Jorge steered the berg to head for their house but was stopped by a sudden interest in a black sports car rushing down the motorway, Jorge noticed it was being chased by multiple vans. WICKED. 

Jorge pressed a red button and flicked a switch and aimed for the vans below and fired. 


She watched as the road behind her filled with dense smoke. Aris took a left turn and headed for the barrier splitting the sides of the road, in a rush of speed he broke the fence and started heading down the motorway towards the city again. Helicopters and bergs covered the sky above. 


He watched the highway CCTV as the van holding Ava Paige hit another of his vehicles. He gripped the sides of his chair as he saw Teresa was to blame for his co-workers death. 

"Send out our specials to a matte black Audi heading back into the city, sedate the driver and passenger and bring me them both." He yelled standing from his seat. 

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