Chapter 9

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A/N: subtle Thomesa moment ahead!


Thomas felt a jolt as the berg disconnected from the ground, a wave of excitement shot through him but he knew better than to be happy, as horrible as it sounded every time he felt happy something bad happened. He could hear taps from the outside of the berg from where the gunmen were shooting at them. A crack erupted from the ceiling loud enough to ring in their ears. Thomas recognised the sound from when the helipad opened but this time it was closing. 

"Jorge! We need to go the helipad is closing!" Thomas yelled running to the cockpit. Jorge looked stressed but they needed to hurry, even though it was closing slowly the berg was moving even slower. 

"I'm trying, go back I need the space!" Jorge shouts and Thomas leaves to join the others, anxiously pacing the room. 


Jorge was going at 10 mph, he knew it would be dangerous to go any faster but he had to try to get out. In an instant jolt he reached for the speed dial and turned it to 60 mph. The berg was so high tech it wasn't even a gradual change of speeds just a shake and it changed. 

"Whoa!" Somebody shouted from behind him, crashing noises broke into the air as Jorge drove straight up to the helipad. It was impossible to get out without a scratch. If they were getting out, they would have to break a little bit of the helipad. Impact was keeping them all alive as they flew into one side of the helipad, half the berg sliding through easy as it still wasn't all closed over but the impact set the berg to turn horizontally. Jorge clung onto the controls and the edge of his seat as everything stirred behind him but they were out and he was able to straighten up the berg with the controls . It was dark outside. Flicking a switch he turned on the lights illuminating the outside. The desert lay in front of them, sand hills looking like thin layers of carpets moving in different directions as the wind of the bergs pushed them aside. It looked like a golden ocean. Jorge knew well enough WICKED would send out another berg as quick as possible so he picked up the speed and cut through the air. There was no moon or stars making the sky look like black paint, the inside of the berg was warm but just looking outside made Jorge shiver. Jorge put all his faith in a myth he heard from survivors he found in the scorch, people he had to later kill as they turned into blood thirsty, contagious beasts. They told him there is civilisation that the flares didn't hit one part of the world, apparently they were prepared. It is believed they have a protective dome around there own little world, technology gave them 24 hours notice about the disaster before it struck. Like a tornado warning, they told neighbouring states/countries and continents but nobody believed them. Jorge personally didn't believe the myth but it was their only hope, it was the safe haven, free from the flare. They were heading to South America.


Teresa felt fatigue creeping up on her, looking over she saw Thomas stand up and walk towards her sitting down next to her on the floor, she felt tired not only physically but mentally too, confusion was not helping the process of sleep. Pain made her plead for unconsciousness but nothing was coming, her eyes were stubborn and stayed wide open. 

"You should get some sleep." Thomas whispered, he always seemed to be able to know her thoughts just by looking at her. Teresa couldn't see herself but she knew she didn't look tired. Thomas just knew. 

"It's hard to." She grunted in her sleepy voice. Thomas ushered her to lie down on his lap, she closed her eyes in comfort as Thomas started playing with her hair, Teresa felt so relaxed as he massaged her hair. She was at edge of consciousnesses. The last thing she felt was a gentle kiss on her forehead. 


Minho was tempted to say something sarcastic but before he could open his mouth Aris rammed his elbow into Minho's gut. 

"Ow! What was that for?" Minho hissed making sure not to wake anyone up. Thomas, him, Aris and Newt were the only ones awake, including Jorge of course. 

"This is cute OK? Wind your tongue in and get some sleep, you're grumpy when you're tired" Aris shot back. Minho grunted and lay down. 'They are cute together' Minho thought. He made a mental note to annoy the klunk out of Thomas and Teresa in the morning about this.   

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