Chapter 30

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A/N: Never thought this story would reach chapter 30! Thank you for all the lovely comments and support! 


Thomas silently awaited the answer, keeping a close eye on Minho; Thomas had one foot at the ready so that if Minho let go he could run and catch him. No answer was coming for her.

"Did they set you up to this?" Thomas asked, looking back up he saw all the guns were still pointed at her. 

"Brenda. Did they put you up to this?" Thomas repeated, Brenda looked up, the gun shaking in her hand; she looked different now. Her hair looked messy, her eyes were red with anger. She didn't seem to be understanding what Thomas was saying. 

"Janson told me Brenda was put up to this, he knew bringing me and Teresa up here would cause you to come so this could happen..." Aris whispered.

"We didn't think you would come..." he added. Thomas looked over to Janson and Teresa, he still didn't fully understand why he was standing on top of one of the world most famous statues with his friend hanging on for dear life and another one of his friends pointing a gun at him.  

"Put the gun down you deranged psychopath!" Teresa shouts from behind. The colour in Thomas' face drains as she redirects the barrel of the gun. 

"Brenda don't!" Thomas yelled, looking up Thomas couldn't believe they were all equipped with guns but they were just going to let her kill people. For the first time in his whole life he hoped they would shoot her. He hoped someone would shoot Brenda before she shot Teresa. 


Jack knew this had gone too far, Thomas was running forward to Brenda. Jack held his walkie talkie tightly taking a deep breath. 



The sound of a bullet cut the dense air, causing silence. Thomas was too shocked to even think. He had no idea who was shot. He hoped Brenda wasn't the one to pull the trigger... Then she fell. 

Brenda was dead. Then the shots headed for Janson and his guards...

A/N: Here we go! BTW this is the second last chapter :( The last chapter will be out on Wednesday. 

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